Part Two
Accessing Atari Basic |
Congratulations! If you have read all of Part 1, you are through the hard stuff. In Part 2, we hope to teach you how to use at least some of the abundance of information presented in the Source Listing and in Part 1. In particular, we will show you how to examine the various RAM and ROM tables used by BASIC.
The examples and suggestions will be written in Atari BASIC. But those of you who are true-blue assembly language fanatics should have little trouble translating the concepts to machine code, especially with the source listing to guide you. Would that we could present an example program or concept for each possible aspect of the BASIC interpreter, but space does not allow it — nor would it be appropriate. For example, although we will present here a program to list all keywords and token values used by BASIC, we will not explore the results (usually disastrous) of changing token values within a BASIC program.
Part 2 begins with a pair of introductory chapters. If you are experienced at hexadecimal-to-decimal conversions and with the concepts of word and byte PEEKs and POKEs, you may wish to skip directly to Chapter 3.
The word hexadecimal means, literally, “of six and ten.” It implies, however, a number notation which uses 16 as its base instead of 10. Hexadecimal notation is used as a sort of shorthand for the eight-digit binary numbers that the 6502 understands. If Atari BASIC understood hexadecimal numbers and we all had eight fingers on each hand, there would be no need for this chapter. Instead, to use this book you have to make many conversions back and forth between hexadecimal (“hex”) and decimal notation. Many BASIC users have never had to learn that process.
Virtually all the references to addresses and other values in this book are given in hexadecimal notation (or simply “hex” to us insiders). For example, we learn that the Atari BASIC ROM cartridge has $A000 for its lowest address and that location $80 contains a pointer to BASIC’s current LOMEM. But what does all that mean?
First of all, if you are not familiar with 6502 assembly language, let me point out that there is a convention that a number preceded by a dollar sign ($80) is a hexadecimal number, even if it contains only decimal digits. Also, notice that in the Source Listing all numbers in the first three columns are hexadecimal, even though the dollar sign is not present. (To the right of those columns, though, only those numbers preceded by a dollar sign are in hex.)
Now, suppose I wanted to look at the contents of location $A4AF (SNTAB in the listing). Realistically, the only way to look at a memory location from BASIC is via the PEEK function (and see the next chapter if you are not sure how to use PEEK in this situation). But BASIC’s language syntax requires a decimal number with PEEK — for instance, PEEK (15).
Obviously, we need some way to convert from hexadecimal to decimal. Aside from going out and buying one of the calculators made just for this purpose, the best way is probably to let your computer help you. And the computer can help you even if you only understand BASIC. As an example, here’s a BASIC program that will convert hex to decimal notation:
Now, while this program might be handy for a few purposes, it would be much neater if we could simply use its capabilities anytime we wanted to examine or change a location (or its contents) referred to by a hex address or data. And so shall it be used.
If we remove lines 100 through 140, inclusive, then any BASIC program which incorporates the rest of the program may change a hex number into decimal by simply
In the next chapter, we will immediately begin to make use of this routine. If you are not used to hex notation, you might do well to type in and play with this program before proceeding.
Finally, before we leave this subject, let’s examine a routine which will allow us to go the other way — that is, convert decimal to hex:
40 DIM DEC$(16):DEC$="0123456789ABCDEF" 50 CVDEC=9100 100 PRINT :PRINT "GIVE ME A DECIMAL NUMBER "; 110 INPUT DEC:NUM=DEC 120 GOSUB CVDEC:REM 'NUM' is destroyed by this 130 PRINT DEC;" Decimal = ";NUM$;" Hex" 140 GOTO 100 9100 REM CONVERT DECIMAL TO HEX ROUTINE 9110 DIV=4096 9120 FOR I=1 TO 4 9130 N=INT(NUM/DIV):NUM$(I,I)=DEC$(N+1) 9140 NUM=NUM-DIV*N:DIV=DIV/16 9150 NEXT I 9160 RETURN
These lines are meant to be added to the previous program, though they can be used alone if you simply add this line:
10 DIM NUM$(4)
We will use portions of these programs in later chapters, but we may compress some of the code into fewer lines simply to save wear and tear on our fingers. If you study these routines, you’ll recognire them in their transformed versions.
In contrast to languages which include direct machine addressing capability, like “C” and Forth, and in contrast to “school” languages like Pascal and Fortran, which specifically prevent such addressing, BASIC provides a sort of halfway measure in machine accessibility.
POKE is a BASIC statement. Its syntax is POKE <address>,<data>. Naturally, both <address> and <data> may be constants, variables, or even full-blown expressions:
POKE 82,0:REM change left screen margin to zero produces the same result as
PEEK, on the other hand, is a BASIC function. It cannot stand alone as a statement. To use PEEK, we either PRINT the value (contents) of a PEEKed location, assign a PEEKed value to a variable, or test the value for some condition:
POKE 82,PEEK(82)+1:REM move the left margin in a space PRINT PEEK(106):REM where is the top of system memory? IF PEEK(195)=136 THEN PRINT "End of File"
In the first example, the number POKEd into 82 will be whatever number was stored before, plus 1. As explained in Part 1, the PEEK function is executed before the POKE.
An aside: Just where did I get those addresses I used in the PEEKs and POKEs? One way to find them is to peruse the listings of Atari’s operating system, available in Atari’s technical manuals set, and the listing of BASIC in this book. Another way would be to use a book (like COMPUTE! Books’ Mapping the Atari) or a reference card designed specifically to tell you about such addresses.
And one more thing to consider before moving on. If we counted all of the bit patterns possible in a single 8-bit byte (like 01010101, 11110000, and 00000001, where each 1 or 0 represents a single on or off bit), we would discover that there are 256 unique combinations, ranging in value from 0 to 255. Since each memory location can hold only one byte, it is not surprising to learn that the PEEK function will always return a number from 0 to 255 ($00 to $FF). Similarly, BASIC will only POKE a data value that is an integer from 0 to 255. In fact, BASIC will convert any data to be POKEd to an integer number, rounding off any fractional parts.
So far so good. But suppose we want to examine a location which is actually a two-byte word, such as the line number where the last TRAPped error occurred, stored starting at location $BA hex or 186 decimal. PEEK only lets us look at one byte at a time. How do we look at two bytes? Simple: one byte at a time.
In most cases, words in a 6502-based machine are stored in memory with the least significant byte stored first. This means that the second byte of each word is a count of the number of 256’s there are in its value, and the first byte is the leftovers. (Or we can more properly say that the first byte contains “the word’s value modulo 256.”) Confused? Let’s try restating that.
In decimal arithmetic, we can count from 0 to 9 in a single digit. To go beyond 9, we have a convention that says the digit second from the right represents the number of 10’s in the number, and so on.
If we consider bytes to be a computer’s digits, which in many ways they are, and if we remember that each byte may represent any number from 0 to 255 (or $00 to $FF), then it is logical to say that the next byte is a count of the number of 256’s in the number. The only thing illogical is that the higher byte comes after the lower byte (like reading 37 as “7 tens and 3 ones” instead of what we are used to).
Some examples might help:
a 6502 word as written think of decimal in memory in assembler it as value 01 00 $0001 0*256 +1 1 00 01 $0100 1*256 +0 256 02 04 $0402 4*256 +2 1026 FF FF $FFFF 255*256 +255 65535
So let’s examine that error line location:
PRINT PEEK(186)+256*PEEK(187)
Do you see it? Since the second byte is a count of the number of 256’s in the value, we must multiply it by 256 to calculate its true value.
Now, in the case of line numbers, it is well and good that we print out a decimal value, since that is how we are used to thinking of them. But suppose you wished to print out some of BASIC’s tables? You might very well wish to see the hex representations. The program presented here allows you to specify a hex address. It then presents you with the contents of the byte and the word found at that address, in both decimal and hex form.
10 DIM HEX$(23),NUM$(4) 20 HEX$="@ABCDEFGHI*******JKLMNO" 30 CVHEX=9000 40 DIM$(16):DEC$="0123456789ABCDEF" 50 CVDEC=9100 100 PRINT :PRINT "WHAT ADDRESS TO VIEW "; 110 INPUT NUM$:PRINT 120 PRINT "Address ";NUM$;" contains:" 130 GOSUB CVHEX:ADDR=NUM 140 NUM=PEEK(ADDR):GOSUB CVDEC 150 PRINT ,"byte ";PEEK(ADDR);" = $";NUM$(3) 160 WORD=PEEK(ADDR)+256*PEEK(ADDR+1) 170 NUM=WORD:GOSUB CVDEC 180 PRINT ,"word ";WORD;" = $";NUM$ 190 GOTO 100 9000 REM THE CONVERT HEX TO DECIMAL ROUTINE 9010 NUM=0 9020 FOR I=1 TO LEN(NUM$) 9030 NUM=NUM*16+ASC(HEX$(ASC(NUM$(I))-47))-64 9040 NEXT I:RETURN 9100 REM CONVERT DECIMAL TO HEX ROUTINE 9110 DIV=4096 9120 FOR I=1 TO 4 9130 N=INT(NUM/DIV):NUM$(I,I)=DEC$(N+1) 9140 NUM=NUM-DIV*N:DIV=DIV/16 9150 NEXT I 9160 RETURN
You may have noticed that lines 10 through 50 and lines 9000 to the end are the same as those used in the example programs in the last chapter. And did you see line 160, where we obtained the word value by mulbplying by 256?
As the last point of this chapter, we need to discuss how to change a word value. Obviously, in Atari BASIC we can’t POKE both bytes of a word at once any more than we could retrieve both bytes at once (although BASIC A+ can, by using the DPOKE statement and DPEEK function). So we must invent a mechanism to do a double POKE.
Given that the variable ADDR contains the address at which we wish to POKE a word, and given that the variable WORD contains the value (in decimal) of the desired word, the following code fragment will perform the double POKE:
This is kind of sneaky code, but calculating the most significant byte and POKEing the value in byte location ADDR+1 first allows us to also use it as a kind of temporary variable in calculating the least significant byte. By PEEKing the location that already holds the high-order byte, we can subtract it from the original value. The remainder is WORD modulo 256 - the low-order byte.
And that’s about it. Hopefully, if you were not familiar with PEEK and POKE before, you now at least will not approach their use with too much caution. Generally, PEEKs will never harm either your running program or the machine, but don’t be surprised if a stray POKE or two sends your computer off into never-never land. After all, you may have just told BASIC to start putting your program into ROM, or worse.
On the other hand, if you have removed your diskettes and turned off your cassette recorder, the worst that can happen from an erring POKE is that you’ll have to turn the power off and back on again. So have at it. Happy PEEKing and POKEing.
Chapter 3 of Part 1 described the layout of the Variable Name Table and the Variable Value Table. In particular, we read that the Variable Name Table was built in a very simple fashion: Each new variable name, as it is encountered upon program entry, is simply added to the end of the list of names. The most significant bit of the last character of the name is turned on, to signal the end of that name. The contents of VNTP point to the beginning of the list of names, and the content of VNTD is the address of the byte after the end of the list.
Now, what does all that mean? What does it imply that we can do? Briefly, it implies that we can look at BASIC’s memory and find out what variable names are in current use. Here’s a program that will do exactly that:
32700 QQ=128:PRINT QQ, 32710 FOR Q=PEEK(130)+256*PEEK(131) TO PEEK(132)+256*PEEK(133)-1 32720 IF PEEK(Q)<128 THEN PRINT CHR$(PEEK(Q));:NEXT Q:STOP 32730 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(Q)-128):QQ=QQ+1:PRINT QQ,:NEXT Q:STOP
Actually, this is not so much a program as it is a program fragment. It is intended that you will type NEW, type in the above fragment, and then LIST the fragment to a disk file (LIST “D:LVAR”) or to a cassette (LIST “C:”). Then type NEW again and ENTER or LOAD the program whose variables you want to list. Finally, use ENTER to re-enter the fragment from disk (ENTER “D:LVAR”) or cassette (ENTER “C:”). Then type GOTO 32700 to obtain your Variable Name Table listing. Of course, if you had OPENed a channel to the printer (OPEN #1,8,0,“P:”), you could change the PRINTs to direct the listing to the printer (PRINT #1;CHR$(<expression>)).
How does the fragment work? The reason for the start and end limits for the FOR loop are simple: word location 130 ($82) contains the pointer to the beginning of the Variable Name Table and word location 132 ($84) contains the pointer to the end of that same table, plus 1. So we simply traipse through that table, printing characters as we encounter them — except that when we encounter a character with its most significant bit on (IF PEEK(Q)>127), we turn off that bit before printing it and start the next name on a new line.
Notice that we use the variable QQ to allow us to print out the token value for each variable name. We will use this information in some later chapters.
Also note that the variable names QQ and Q will appear in your variable name listing. Sorry. We can write a program which would accomplish the same thing without using variables, but it would be two or three times as big and much harder to understand. Of course, if you consistently use certain variable names, such as I and J in FOR-NEXT loops, you could use those names here instead, thus not affecting the count of variables in use.
Incidentally, the STOP at the end of the third line should be unnecessary, since the table is supposed to end with a character with its upper bit on. But I’ve learned not to take chances — things don’t always go as they’re supposed to.
In this chapter, we will show how you can determine the value of any variable by inspecting the Variable Value Table. Actually, in many respects this is a waste of effort. After all, if I need to know the value of the variable TOTAL, I can just type PRINT TOTAL.
But this book is supposed to be a guide, and there are a few uses for this information, particularly in assembly language subroutines, and it is instructive in that it gives us an inkling of what BASIC goes through to evaluate a variable reference.
It will probably be better to present the program first, and then explain what it does. Before doing so, though, note that the program fragment expects you to give it a valid variable token (128 through 255). No checks are made on the validity of that number, since we are all intelligent humans here and since we want to save program space. Enough. The program:
32500 PRINT :PRINT "WHAT VARIABLE NUMBER ";:INPUT Q 32505 Q=PEEK(134)+256*PEEK(135)+(Q-128)*8 32510 PRINT :PRINT "VARIABLE NUMBER ";PEEK(Q+1), 32515 ON INT(PEEK(Q)/64) GOTO 32600,32650 32520 PRINT "IS A NUMBER, ":PRINT ,"VALUE "; 32525 QEXP=PEEK(Q+2):IF QEXP>127 THEN PRINT "-";:QEXP=QEXP-128 32530 QNUM=0:FOR QQ=Q+3 TO Q+7 32535 QNUM=QNUM*100+PEEK(QQ)-6*INT(PEEK(QQ)/16):NEXT QQ 32540 QEXP=QEXP-68:IF QEXP=0 THEN 32555 32545 FOR QQ=QEXP TO SGN(QEXP) STEP -SGN(QEXP) 32550 QNUM=(QEXP>0)*QNUM*100+(QEXP<0)*QNUM/100:NEXT QQ 32555 PRINT QNUM:PRINT :GOTO 32500 32570 IF PEEK(Q)/2<>INT(PEEK(Q)/2) THEN 32580 32575 PRINT ,"AND IS NOT YET DIMENSIONED":POP:GOTO 32500 32580 PRINT ,"ADDRESS IS ";PEEK(Q+2)+256*PEEK(Q+3):RETURN 32600 PRINT "IS AN ARRAY, ":GOSUB 32570 32610 PRINT ,"DIM 1 IS ";PEEK(Q+4)+256*PEEK(Q+5) 32615 PRINT ,"DIM 2 IS ";PEEK(Q+6)+256*PEEK(Q+7) 32620 GOTO 32500 32650 PRINT "IS A STRING, ":GOSUB 32570 32660 PRINT ,"LENGTH IS ";PEEK(Q+4)+256*PEEK(Q+5) 32665 PRINT ," DIM IS ";PEEK(Q+6)+256*PEEK(Q+7) 32670 GOTO 32500
Did you get lost in all of that? I got lost several times as I wrote it, but it seems to work well. Shall we discuss it?
The first place where confusion may arise is when I ask you to give a variable token from 128 to 255, and then reveal that the entry in the Variable Value Table thinks variable numbers range from 0 to 127. Actually, there is no anomaly here. The variable token that you input is the token value of the variable in your program. The number in the table is its relative position. The numbers differ only in their uppermost bit.
The program uses the number you specify to form an address of an entry somewhere within the Variable Value Table. It then displays the internal variable number and examines the flag byte of the variable entry. Recall that the uppermost bit ($80, or 128) of the flag byte is on, if this variable is a string. The next bit ($40, or 64) is on if the variable is an array. If neither is on, the variable is a normal floating point number (or scalar, as it is sometimes called, to distinguish it from a floating point array). All this is decided and acted upon in line 32515.
Before examining what happens if the number is a scalar, let’s look at strings and arrays. Both start out (lines 32600 and 32650) by identifying themselves and calling a subroutine which determines if the variable has been DIMensioned yet. If not, the subroutine tells us so, removes the GOSUB entry from the stack, and starts the whole shebang over again. If the variable is DIMensioned, though, we print its address before returning. Note that the address printed is the relative address within the String/Array Table.
If the DIMension check subroutine returns, both string and array variables have their vitals printed out before the program asks you for another variable number. In the case of a string, we see the current length (as would be obtained by the LENgth function) and its dimension. For an array, we see both dimensions. Note that array dimensions here are always one greater than the user program specified, so that a zero dimension value means “this dimension is unused.”
Point of interest: this program will never print a zero for an array dimension. Why? Because Atari BASIC never places a zero in either dimension when the DIM statement is executed. In a way, this is a “feature” (a feature is a documented bug). It implies that we may code DIM XX(7) and yet use something like PRINT XX(N,0). In other words, a singly dimensioned array in Atari BASIC is exactly equivalent to a doubly dimensioned array with a 0 as the second subscript in the DIM statement.
Back to the listing. Fairly straightforward up until now. But look what happens if the variable is a scalar, a single floating point number.
First, we obtain the exponent byte; if its upper bit is on, the number is negative, so we print the minus sign before turning the bit off.
Second, we must loop through the five bytes of the mantissa, accumulating a value. The really strange part here is line 32535, so let’s examine it closely. As we get each byte, we must multiply what we have gotten so far by 100 (remember, floating point numbers are in BCD format, so each byte represents a power of 100). Then, what we really want to do is add in 10 times the higher digit in the byte, plus the lower digit. We could have gotten those numbers as follows:
Hopefully, your algebra is up to understanding how line 32535 is just a simplification of all that. If not, don’t worry about it. It works.
But we still haven’t accounted for the exponent. Now, exponents in the Atari floating point format are powers of 100 in “excess 64” notation, which simply means that you subtract 64 from the exponent to get the real power of 100. But wait! The implied decimal point is all the way to the left of the number. So we must bias our “excess 64” by the five multiplies-by-100 we did in deriving the BCD value. All that is done in line 32540.
Finally, we simply count the exponent down to one or up to minus one, depending on what it started at. And line 32545 is tricky, but not too much so I will leave its inner workings as an exercise for you, the reader.
And, hard though it may be to believe, we arrive at line 32555 with the number in hand. Then we PRINT it.
Did we really have to go through all that? Not really, but perhaps it gives you an idea of what BASIC’s GETTOK routine ($AB3E) does when it encounters a variable name.
Finally, to test all this out, you should type it in, LIST it to disk or cassette, use NEW, and then enter or load your favorite program. Finally, re-ENTER this program fragment from disk or cassette and type GOTO 32500. Just for fun, you might try finding the variable values for the following program:
10 A = 12.34567890 : B = 9876543210 20 C = 0.0000556677 30 GOTO 60 40 D$ = "WILL NEVER BE EXECUTED" 50 E(7) = 1 60 DIM F$(30), G$(40), H(9,17), J(7) 70 G$="ONLY THIS STRING WILL HAVE LENGTH"
Type this little guy in, ENTER the variable value printer, and RUN the whole thing. Answer the variable number prompt with numbers from 128 to 135 and see what you get. It’s interesting!
If you will recall, Chapter 3 in Part I discussed the various user tables that existed in Atari BASIC’s RAM memory space. Specifically it discussed the Variable Name Table, Variable Value Table, Statement Table, String/Array Table, and Runtime Stack.
In the last two chapters, we investigated the Variable Name Table and the Variable Value Table, showing how Atari BASIC can examine itself. So what is more logical than to now use Atari BASIC to display the contents of the Statement Table?
While we could write a program that would examine the tokenized program and produce source text, there is little incentive to do so. The task would be both very difficult and very redundant: BASIC’s LIST command performs the same task very nicely, thank you.
What we can do, though, write a program which will show the actual hex tokens used in a logical and almost readable form. Again, let’s look at the program before decoding what it does.
10 DIM NUM$(4) 40 DIM DEC$(16):DEC$="0123456789ABCDEF" 50 CVDEC=9100 100 GOTO 32000 110 ERROR- THIS IS AN ERROR LINE 120 DATA AND, THIS, IS, DATA, 1,2,3 130 REM LINES 0 TO 130 ARE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY 9100 REM CONVERT DECIMAL TO HEX 9110 DIV=4096 9120 FOR I=1 TO 4 9130 N=INT(NUM/DIV):NUM$(I,I)=DEC$(N+1) 9140 NUM=NUM-DIV*N:DIV=DIV/16 9150 NEXT I 9160 RETURN 32000 PEEK(136)+256*PEEK(137) 32010 Q=PEEK(QQ)+256*PEEK(QQ+1):QS=QQ:QQ=QQ+3 32015 IF Q>32767 THEN PRINT "--END--":STOP 32020 QL=PEEK(QQ-1)+QS:PRINT "LINE NUMBER ";Q,"LINE LENGTH ";PEEK(QQ-1) 32030 QT=PEEK(QQ+1):PRINT " STMT LENGTH ";PEEK(QQ),"STMT CODE ";PEEK(QQ+1) 32040 Q=PEEK(QQ)+QS:QQ=QQ+2 32050 IF QQ<Q THEN 32080 32060 IF Q<QL THEN PRINT :GOTO 32030 32070 PRINT :GOTO 32010 32080 IF QT>1 AND QT<55 THEN 32120 32090 PRINT " UNTOKENIZED::"; 32100 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(QQ));:QQ=QQ+1:IF QQ<Q THEN 32100 32110 PRINT :GOTO 32010 32120 NUM=PEEK(QQ):GOSUB CVDEC 32125 IF PEEK(QQ)>127 THEN PRINT " V=";NUM$(3):GOTO 32200 32130 IF PEEK(QQ)>15 THEN PRINT " ";NUM$(3);:GOTO 32200 32140 IF PEEK(QQ)=14 THEN GOTO 32170 32150 QQ=QQ+1 :QN=PEEK(QQ):NUM=QN:GOSUB CVDEC 32155 PRINT " S,";NUM$(3);"=";:IF QN=0 THEN 32200 32160 FOR QQ=QQ+1 TO QQ+QN-1:PRINT CHR$(PEEK(QQ));:NEXT QQ:GOTO 32190 32170 PRINT " N="; 32180 FOR QQ=QQ+1 TO QQ+5:NUM=PEEK(QQ):GOSUB CVDEC:PRINT NUM$(3);:NEXT QQ 32190 QQ=QQ-1 PRINT 32200 QQ=QQ+1:IF QQ<Q THEN 32120 32210 PRINT :IF QQ<QL THEN 32030 32220 PRINT :GOTO 32010
Now, even if you don’t want to type all that in, there are a few points to be made about it. First, note that lines 10 through 50 and 9100 through 9160 are the decimal-to-hex converter from Chapter 2. Then, let’s start with line 32000 and do a functional description, with the line numbers denoting the portion we are examining.
32000. Decimal 136 is hex $88, the location of STMTAB, the pointer to the user’s program space.
32010, 32020. In each line, the first two bytes are the line number; the next byte is the line length (actually, the offset to next line). Remember, line 32768 is actually the direct statement.
32030, 32040. Within a line, each statement begins with a statement length (the offset to the next statement from the beginning of the line) and a statement token.
32050-32070. Boundary conditions are checked for.
32080-32110. REM becomes statement token 0, DATA is token land the error token is 55 ($37). All three of them simply store the user’s input unchanged.
32120. Remember, any token with its upper bit on indicates a variable number token. They really don’t need to be special cased in this program, but we do so for readability.
32130. Operator tokens have values of 16 to 127 ($10 to $7F).
32140-32160. For string constants (also called string literals), we simply print out the string length and its contents (the characters between the quote signs).
32170-32180. For numeric constants, we simply print the hex values of all six bytes
32190-32200. Clean-up. We ensure that we return for all remaining tokens (if any) in each statement and for all remaining statements (if any) in each line.
Observe the FOR-NEXT loop controls in line 32180. Why QQ+1 TO QQ+5 if we want six values printed out? Ah, but this is a trick. Note that the loop termination value (QQ+5) involves the loop variable (QQ). The problem is, though, that the loop variable is changed by the prior implied assignment (QQ=QQ+1) when the assignment takes place — which is, of course, before the determination of the value of “QQ+5” takes place.
In other words, by the time we are ready to evaluate QQ+5, the variable QQ has already been changed from its original value to its new, loop controlling value (QQ+1). Quite possibly, the proper general solution to using a FOR loop’s variable in its own termination (or STEP) values is to assign it to a temporary variable, thusly:
Did you notice that line 32160 actually has the same problem? Notice that we solved it there by adding -1 to the termination value to compensate for the +1 in the initialization assignment.
One last comment before leaving the subject of strange FOR-NEXT loops. In Atari BASIC (and, indeed, in virtually all microcomputer BASICs), the termination (TO) value and the STEP value are determined when the FOR statement is first executed and are NOT changeable. Example:
10 X=7:Y=2 20 FOR I = 1 TO X STEP Y 30 X = X+1 40 Y = Y+X 50 NEXT I
This FOR loop will execute exactly four times (I=1,3,5, and 7). The fact that X and Y change within the loop has no effect on the actual loop execution.
The Runtime Stack is the last of the user RAM tables that we will discuss in Part 2.
Perhaps you noticed that we left out a discussion of the String/Array Table in Part 2. The omission was on purpose: there seems little purpose in PEEKing the contents of this table when BASIC’s PRINT statement does an admirable job of letting you see all variable values. However, if you are so inclined, you could use the general purpose memory PEEKer program of Chapter 2 to view any portion of any memory, including the String/Array Table.
On the other hand, looking at the Runtime Stack is kind of fun and enlightening. And the program we will present here might even find use on occasion. If you are having trouble tracing a program’s flow through various GOSUBs and/or FOR loops, simply drop in the routine below and GOSUB to it at an appropriate place in your program. It will print out a LIFO (Last In, First Out) listing of all active GOSUB calls and FOR-NEXT loop beginnings.
10 FOR J=1 TO 3 20 GOSUB 30 30 FOR K=1 TO 5 40 GOSUB 50 50 JUNK=7:FOR Q=1 TO 2:GOSUB 32400 32400 QQ=PEEK(144)+256*PEEK(145) 32410 IF QQ<=PEEK(142)+256*PEEK(143) THEN PRINT "--END OF STACK--":STOP 32420 PRINT "AT LINE ";PEEK(QQ-3)+2S6*PEEK(QQ-2); 32430 PRINT "; OFFSET ";PEEK(QQ-l); 32440 IF PEEK(QQ-4)=0 THEN PRINT ", GOSUB" :QQ=QQ-4:GOTO 32410 32450 PRINT ", FOR (#";PEEK(QQ-4);")":QQ=QQ-16:GOTO 32410
The first thing you might notice ahout this little routine is that, in contrast to all the programs we have used so far, it examines its portion of user RAM backward. That is, it starts at the top (high address) of the Runtime Stack area and works downward toward the bottom.
Again, nothing surprising. If you will recall the description of entries on this stack (pages 18-19 and 133-34), you will remember that every entry, whether a GOSUB or FOR, has a four-byte header. And, while FOR statements also have twelve bytes of termination and step value added, the four bytes are always at the top of each entry — they are the last items put on the stack.
Thus, we start at the top of the stack and examine four bytes. If the type byte is zero, it is a GOSUB entry, and all we must do is display the line number and statement offset. If we remove the four-byte header by subtracting 4 from our stack pointer, we are ready to examine the next entry.
In the case of a FOR entry, we similarly display the line number and statement offset. However, each FOR entry also has a variable token associated with it, so we also display that token’s value. With the variable name lister of Chapter 2, you can find out which variable is controlling this FOR loop. Finally, note that after displaying a FOR loop entry, we remove sixteen bytes (the four-byte header and the two six-byte floating point values) in preparation for the next entry. Incidentally, lines 10 through 50 are present as examples only. Add lines 32400 to 32450 to your own programs and see where you’ve come from.
In the last chapter, we discussed the last of the tables in user RAM. Now we will see how and where BASIC stores its internal ROM-based tables.
As we noted in Chapter 5 of Part 1 (and viewed via the listing program of Chapter 5 in this Part), there are four kinds of tokens in an Atari BASIC program: (1) statement name tokens, (2) operator tokens, (3) variable tokens, and (4) constant tokens (string and numeric constants). Also, we learned in Part 1 how the tokenizing process works, converting the user’s ATASCII source code into tokens. What we didn’t learn, though, was exactly what token replaces what BASIC keyword.
In this chapter, we present a program which will list all of the fixed tokens (those in ROM). Actually, the program presents three listings, each consisting of a list of token values with their associated ATASCII strings. But wait a moment! Three listings? There are only two ROM-based tables — SNTAB and OPNTAB.
Yes, but it seems that this program is also capable of listing the Variable Name Table. Why list it again, when we did it so well in Chapter 3? Because we wanted to show you how BASIC itself does it. In many ways, this program emulates the functions of the SEARCH routine at address $A462 in the source listing. And, yes, BASIC uses a single routine to search all three of these same tables. You might want to examine BASIC’s SEARCH routine at the same time you peruse this listing.
100 REM we make use of the general purpose 110 REM token lister three times: 200 PRINT :PRINT "A LIST OF VARIABLE TOKENS" 210 ADDR=PEEK(130)+256*PEEK(131) 220 SKIP=0:TOKEN=128:GOSUB 1000 300 PRINT :PRINT "A LIST OF STATEMENT TOKENS" 310 ADDR=42159:SKIP=2:TOKEN=0:GOSUB 1000 400 PRINT PRINT "A LIST OF OPERATOR TOKENS" 410 ADDR=42979:SKIP=0:TOKEN=16:GOSUB 1000 420 STOP 1000 REM a general purpose token listing routine 1001 REM 1002 REM On entry to this routine, the following 1003 REM variables bave meanings: 1004 REM ADDR = address of beginning of table 1005 REM SKIP = bytes per entry to skip 1006 REM TOKEN = starting token number 1007 REM 1100 ADDR=ADDR+SKIP:IF PEEK(ADDR)=0 THEN RETURN 1110 PRINT TOKEN,:TOKEN=TOKEN+1 1120 IF PEEK(ADDR)>127 THEN 1140 1130 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(ADDR));:ADDR=ADDR+1:GOTO 1120 1140 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(ADDR)-128);:ADDR=ADDR+1:GOTO 1100
The main routine is actually lines 1100 through 1140 (while lines 1000 through 1007 simply explain it all). it’s actually fairly simple. Each table is assumed to consist of a fixed number of bytes followed by a variable number of ATASCII bytes, the last of which has its upper bit on.
In line 1100, we skip over the fixed bytes (if any) and check for the end of the table. After that, we simply print the token value followed by the name.
Worth examining, though, are lines 200 through 420, where we call the main subroutine. First, note that the Variable Name Table has no bytes to skip and is located via its zero-page pointer. Naturally, the first variable token value is 128.
Each entry in the Statement Name Table (SNTAB, at location $A4AF) has two leading bytes (actually, the two-byte address, minus 1, of the syntax table entry for this statement). Statement name token values begin at zero, and 42159 is the decimal address of SNTAB.
Finally, the smallest-numbered operator token is 16 decimal (except for string and numeric constants, which are special cased). There are no leading bytes in the Operator Name Table, and it starts at location 42979 decimal (OPNTAB, at $A7E3).
There was one other ROM-based table mentioned in Part 1 which deserves some attention here. You may recall that when an expression is executed, the execution operators are given particular precedences, so that in BASIC, 2+3*4 equals 14, not 20. Chapter 7 of Part 1 does a particularly thorough job of explaining the concepts of precedence.
The program presented in this chapter prints out all of BASIC’s operator tokens along with their token values and their dual precedence values. Actually, the program provides a visual readout of OPRTAB (Operator PRecedence TABle, at $AC3F).
In each pair of precedence values listed, the first number is the go-onto-stack value and the second is the come-off-stack value.
If you closely examined the program in the last chapter, you will note a striking similarity to this program, especially lines 1100 through 1150. Actually, the only thing we have really added is the precedence printout of line 1120.
And note the form of the PEEK in line 1110. Then look at the line of code at address $AAF1 in the BASIC listing. Given the limitations of dissimilar languages, the code is identical. This is more evidence that you really can use BASIC as a tool to diagnose itself.
Now that Atari BASIC stands revealed before you, what do you do with it? Many authors have, even without benefit of the listing in this book, either used or fooled BASIC in ways that we who designed it never dreamed of.
For example, consider what happens if you change BASIC’s STARP pointer ($8C) to be equal to its ENDSTAR value ($8E). Remember, BASIC’s SAVE command saves everything from the contents of VNTP to the contents of STARP (as documented in Chapter 10 of Part 1). So changing what is in STARP is tantamount to telling BASIC to SAVE more (or less) than what it normally would. Presto! We can now save the entire array and string space to disk or tape, also.
Is it useful? Here’s one program that is, using the concepts we learned in the previous chapters.
30000 PRINT :PRINT "WHAT VARIABLE NUMBER DO YOU":PRINT,"WISH TO FIND"; 30010 INPUT QV 30020 QA=PEEK(130)+256*PEEK(131):QN=128 30030 IF QN=QV THEN 30060 30040 IF PEEK(QA)<128 THEN QA=QA+1:GOTO 30040 30050 QN=QN+1:QA=QA+1:GOTO 30030 30060 IF PEEK(QA)<128 THEN PRINT CHR$(PEEK(QA));:QA=QA+1 GOTO 30060 30070 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(QA)-128);" IS THE VARIABLE" 30100 QA=PEEK(136)+256*PEEK(137) 30110 QN=PEEK(QA)+256*PEEK(QA+1):QL=PEEK(QA+2):QSV=QA:QA=QA+3 30120 IF QN>32767 THEN PRINT "--END--":END 30130 QS=PEEK(QA):QT=PEEK(QA+1):QA=QA+2:IF QT>1 AND QT<55 THEN 30150 30140 QA=QSV+QL: GOTO 30110 30150 IF PEEK(QA)=QV THEN PRINT "LINE";QN:GOTO 30140 30160 IF PEEK(QA)>15 THEN 30200 30170 IF PEEK(QA)=14 THEN QA=QA+6:GOTO 30200 30180 QA=QA+PEEK(QA+1)+1 30200 QA=QA+1:IF QA<QSV+QS THEN 30150 30210 IF QA<QSV+QL THEN 30130 30220 GOTO 30110
What does it do? It finds all the places in your program that you used a particular variable. And how do you use it? Type it in, LIST it to disk or cassette, and clear the user memory via NEW. Now type, ENTER, or LOAD the program you wish to investigate (and then SAVE it, if you haven’t already done so). Finally, ENTER this program fragment from the disk or cassette where you LISTed it and type GOTO 30000.
Although the program asks you for a variable number (which you can get via the program of Chapter 3), it doesn’t really matter if you don’t know it. The program will print your chosen variable’s name before giving all the references. If you chose wrong, try again.
And how does it work? Somewhat like the program token lister of Chapter 5, except that here we are simply skipping everything but variable name references. First, though, we use a modified Variable Name Table lister (lines 30020 through 30070) to tell you what name you chose.
Then, we start at the beginning of the program (line 30100) and check each user line number (30110 and 30120). Within each line, we loop through, checking all statements (30130), skipping entirely all REMs, DATA lines, and lines with syntax errors (line 30140). If we find ourselves in an expression, we check for a matching variable token reference (line 30150) and print it if found, after which we skip the rest of the line. We also skip over numeric and string constants (lines 30170 and 30180). Finally, we check to see if we are at the end of the statement (30200) or the end of a line (30210 and 30220).
This is a fairly large program fragment, and it will prove most useful in very large programs, where you can’t remember, for example, how many places you are using the variable name LOOP. So you mlght want to try to leave room in memory for this aid; you maybe very glad you did.