Editor’s Note: We present in the following article, the most comprehensive Atari information ever published in a magazine. Because of its length, we had to make a tradeoff between source code size and magazine fit. Though small, it’s quite readable and is arranged for your ease of use. Enjoy it. — RCL.


John H. Palevich
Bethesda, MD

Editor’s Note: This article provides a good game, a way to create cassette Boot tapes, and extensive material for study on the Atari’s machine language techniques. RM

Shoot is a machine language arcade style game that must be initialized on a 16K or greater Atari with or without DOS, but will run on ANY Atari, even an Atari 400 with 8K of RAM!

O.K. Before I tell you everything you ever wanted to know about how you too can write machine language video games for your Atari, I’m going to let you see just such a game. Stop reading this paragraph for a moment, and go and look at program 1. Program 1 is a Basic program that lakes about 6K to run. It will take the machine language program that I’ve encoded in the data statements and write it out onto a cassette tape. But this cassette tape is no ordinary cassette tape — it’s a Boot Tape.

What, you may ask, is a Boot Tape? It is the name of a tape that has a machine language program on it, along with information to tell the Atari how to load it into memory and where to jump to begin execution. Space Invaders is an example of a program that Atari offers in boot tape form. You can think of a boot tape as a do-it-yourself ROM Pac, since you need not have Basic (or any other cartridge) installed in your Atari at the time you ‘boot’ (short for boot-strap as in “to pull oneself up by one’s bool-straps”) the boot tape.

So what I want you to do now is warm up the Atari, type in the program in program 1, and run it. To those of you with only 8K: sorry, you’ll have to type this in on a friend’s machine. Be careful with those DATA statements! When you run the program, one of four things will happen:

  1. It prints the line numbers of the data statements on the screen, Beeps the bell twice, and saves a perfect copy of the Boot Tape on the cassette, and stops.
  2. It prints some of the line numbers, but stops with the message “Error in line #1040”
  3. It prints some of the line numbers, but stops with the message “Too many/few lines”
  4. It does something else (like crash).

In case 1, you can smile and move on to the next paragraph. In case two, check the line number mentioned in the error statement against the same line in program 1. They won’t be identical, so fix your mistake. In case 3, make sure that line 200 is entered correctly and also check that you’ve not forgotten to type in any of the data statements. In case 4, make sure that the string on line 300 is: ‘hhh’, reverse-video-asterisk, ‘LV’, reverse-video-d. If it is, then that’s not the problem which means you’ve come up with a totally new error, so congratulate yourself and try again.

Now, take the boot tape you just wrote and go over to ANY Atari computer. Open the lid and remove the ROM pack. Turn off all the peripherals (especially all 815’s, 810’s, and 850’s) except for the cassette recorder. Put the boot tape in the cassette recorder, rewind it, and press ‘Play’. Turn off the Atari 400/800, press down on the START Button, and turn the 400/800 back on. It should beep once, which is your signal to press the return key and wait. The boot tape will load into the RAM of your Atari. Once there, the cassette will stop and the game will begin!

First you will see a copyright message — must to make sure everybody knows that I wrote it — which will last for about 8 to 12 seconds. Then the message will disappear and three zeros will appear. The left (green) one is your score. The middle (red) one is your high score. The right (yellow) one is time remaining. Plug a joystick into controller jack 1 (far left) and press the start button.

Shazam! Eight rows of assorted sizes and colors of airplaned, helicopters and saucers will start flying hither and yon across the screen. Push the joystick left and right to aim the gun, press the button to fire the missile, then use the joystick to guide the missile into one of the planes. If you miss, try again. If you hit the plane it will explode and you will score some points: Helicopter — 5 points. Plane — 10 points, Saucer — 25 points. Clearing a rack of planes within 30 seconds gives you a bonus of 50 points. If you take more than 30 seconds to clear a rack of planes, the game will give you another full rack of planes immediately. For every 15 points you score you get an additional second of play time. When the timer goes to zero, your game ends, the high score is adjusted, and the program waits for you to press on the console buttons: Press START to restart the game. Press OPTION and SELECT down simultaneously to have the program make a copy of itself. If you do this, it will beep twice, wait until you’ve pressed return, and write a copy of itself to the cassette recorder. (THIS type of copying can be done on ANY size Atari, but first you have to have a working Boot Tape … which is why you’ve spent so much time typing in those data statements!).

Well, if you are afraid of machine language, or don’t want to program, you can stop reading this article at this point and go back to playing my game. But if you want to know how it works, read on …

I’ve included a listing of the “source code” [assembler input, usually documented, as here — Ed.] for SHOOT, but I bet that there won’t be enough free room to print it in its entirely. It IS commented very well, and all you assembly language freaks can take it and modify it as much as you like…. You might run into some size problems, since I wrote it on a much larger computer and just transferred the assembled object code over to the Atari, but with a bit of luck, you should be able to cut it down to size. One hint, most of the Atari equates aren’t used, so you needn’t bother to type them…. I’d bet that you’d need a disk and at least 32K to be able to start changing the code.

In general (and here I start using slang that no one who hasn’t read the Atari OS manuals will understand) there are three parts to a video game on the Atari — the setup, the main loop, and the end. In addition to these three parts are two other parts — the Vertical Blank Interrupt (VBI) and the Display List Interrupt (DLI).

The VBI occurs every sixtieth of a second and is used by the Atari to keep the realtime clock, do attract mode, update all sorts of counters, and so forth. The video game maker uses this time to move the players, update the scores, fire the shots, decrement the time left, and do sound effects.

The DLI occurs whenever the ANTIC chip reads a display list instruction that has the high bit set. The Atari OS doesn’t use the DLI, but the video game maker can use it to change character sets, playfield colors, and player positioning/width on the fly. In the Super Breakout cartridge, for example, all of the bricks are ‘really’ the same color, but carefully placed DLI’s in the display list change the hue of that color between rows of bricks. The octave bands in the Music Composer cartridge are also DLI generated.

In any event, here’s the poop on SHOOT: All the flying objects, AND the gun, are the same player, Player 0. Eleven display list interrupts are used to change the color of the sky/ground, the position of the planes/gun, the color of the planes/gun, and to check if the missile hit the previous plane. Since the sky/ground has no information in it, it need not take up any memory space, so the playfield display uses only the 20 characters in the score line at the top of the screen.

The vertical blank interrupt updates the score, awards bonus time, moves the gun, and fires and moves the missile. When the user runs out of time, a flag called STOP is set to tell the main program that the game is over. If a missile is in flight or the player is scoring points, this routine will also generate the appropriate sound effects.

The main body of the program actually has very little to do. First it draws the playfield, sets up the player missile graphics, knits the VBI and DLI handlers into the operating system, displays the copyright message and zeroes the scores. Then it waits for the user to press some console buttons. START starts the game and OPTION and SELECT save a copy to tape.

When the game is started, the main loop draws a set of planes, sets Count Down Timer #3 for thirty seconds, and waits for either the user to shoot down all the planes in the current rack, or the count down timer to expire, or the game to end. If the user shoots down all the planes within thirty seconds, 50 points are added to the value of the last plane shot down. When either 30 seconds are up, or all the planes are shot down, the main loop draws a whole new set of planes. This goes on until the user runs out of time.

When the user runs out of time (and, if he can shoot a whole rack off the screen in less than ten seconds, he, or she can play forever) the final score is compared with the high score, if the final score is higher than the high score it becomes the new high score. In either event, the program loops to the wait for user input section and the user may play another game.

Well, that’s SHOOT in a nutshell. I’ve hidden most of the gritty details in the comments to the code. Feel free to use any part of my code for a game of your own, with the provision that you don’t try to sell it! I’d bet that the VBI and the DLI handlers could be used in conjunction with Basic programs that take care of the slower details. For example, you might want to use the VBI to move a Pong ball and Paddle set while the Basic program took care of the scoring, playfield generation, instructions, and so forth. Best of Luck!

Program 1: The Boot Tape Maker

0 DIM H$(1),B$(2),AD$(4),A$(60),BUF$(1148)
1 POKOFF=4*1024-1
2 GOTO 100
10 IF H$>="0" AND H$<="9" THEN D=ASC(H$)-48:RETURN
12 D=ASC(H$)-55:RETURN
20 H$=B$(1,2):GOSUB 10:B=D:H$=B$(2,2):GOSUB 10:B=B*16+D:CHECK=CHECK+B:RETURN
30 B$=AD$(1,2):GOSUB 20:AD=B:B$=AD$(3,4):GOSUB 20:AD=AD*256+B:RETURN
110 TRAP 900:LINE=1000:LSUM=0
120 READ A$:IF A$="END" THEN 200
130 ? LINE:CHECK=0:B$=A$(1,2):GOSUB 20:NOB=B
140 AD$=A$(3,6):GOSUB 30:FAD=AD
150 FOR I=1 TO NOB:B$=A$(5+2*I,6+2*I):GOSUB 20
165 SUM=CHECK-65536*INT(CHECK/65536)
170 AD$=A$(LEN(A$)-3,LEN(A$)):GOSUB 30
180 IF SUM<>AD THEN 900
200 IF LSUM<>125120 THEN ? "Too many/few lines": END
205 CLOSE #1
210 OPEN #1,8,128,"C:"
220 IOCB=832+16
230 POKE IOCB+2,11
250 POKE IOCB+4,BUF-(INT(BUF/256)*256)
260 POKE IOCB+5,INT(BUF/256)
300 DUMMY=USR(ADR("hhh*LVd"),16)
310 CLOSE #1
320 END
1000 DATA 1810000009001008101860A93C8D02D3A916850AA910850B604C4E06A9
1010 DATA 18101812707070460018F070F070F070F070F070F070F070F070F00DF0
1020 DATA 18103070F070F07041191028432931393831204A20482050414C45076D
1030 DATA 1810485649434880908292849486968898C80818283848586878800A5A
1040 DATA 18106038380001020304050607087C7C0102030201FFFEFDFE00000615
1050 DATA 1810780102030405060708090A0B0001000100010001000101000100E9
1060 DATA 181090FF000003060C1C3C7EFF00C06030383C7EFF00181818183C077E
1070 DATA 1810A87EFF0000F820F29E90F000001F044F79090F0000010D3F7F0844
1080 DATA 1810C01800000080B0FCFE18000018247E817E000001050008FF05070D
1090 DATA 1810D80000020A0118FE0A011003190020FD190020488A48A6B0E80708
1100 DATA 1810F0BD4C108D0AD48D1AD0A6B0AD08D02901F013A9009D62109D0B70
1110 DATA 1811086D10BD78101865B185B18D1ED0E886B0BD6210187D6D109D0ACE
1120 DATA 18112062108D00D0BD57108D12D0BD83108D08D068AA6840A5B1D00B40
1130 DATA 18113808A9808D03D24C901138E90185B1A98A8D03D2A205BD00180A4A
1140 DATA 18115018690109109D0018C91AD009A9109D0018CA4C4D11A5B7D00893
1150 DATA 18116827A6B5E886B5E00FD01EA20086B5A205BD0E1818690109900A95
1160 DATA 1811809D0E18C99A9009A9909D0E18CA4C7811A6B6E886B6E03CD00C6F
1170 DATA 18119822A20086B6A5B7D02EA205BD0E1838E90109909D0E18C99F0A8B
1180 DATA 1811B0D009A9999D0E18CA4CA311A900A2061D0D18CAD0FA290FC90AA9
1190 DATA 1811C800D004A90185B7A900854DAD78024A4AAABD8E1085B3CA8A0B72
1200 DATA 1811E00A0A0AAAA000BD921099601AC899601AE8C8C010D0F0A5B20C55
1210 DATA 1811F81865B385B28D04D0A5B4F026AAA9009D8019CAF011A5B1D00DD2
1220 DATA 1812101286B4A9FF9D80198E00D24C2A1286B44C2A12A2008E00D20A10
1230 DATA 18122886B4A5B7D016AD8402D011A5B4D00DA96285B4A5B30A0A180BE0
1240 DATA 181240698485B2A9FF85B08D1ED04CD1E7A9A88D01D2A9808D03D20E26
1250 DATA 181258A9008D00D2A9308D02D2A280A9009DFF199D7F19CAD0F7A90CB3
1260 DATA 18127000A2089DFFCFCAD0FAA92E8D2F02A9188D07D4A9038D1DD00C27
1270 DATA 181288A9100D6F028D6F028D1BD0A90085B4A90185B7A9408D0ED40A7F
1280 DATA 1812A0A9108D3102A9198D3002A9108D0102A9EA8D0002A211A03508B7
1290 DATA 1812B8A906205CE4A9C08D0ED4A9C68DC402A9368DC502A9188DC60CD2
1300 DATA 1812D002A90A8DC702A214BD3710200E1409C09DFF17CAD0F2A5130AC1
1310 DATA 1812E8186903C513D0FCA214A9009DFF17CAD0FAA9108D0518A9500C3C
1320 DATA 1813008D0C18A9908D1318A90185B7A9088D1FD0AD1FD0C901D0060A1C
1330 DATA 181318202A144C4E12C906D0EFA900A2069D0D189DFF17CAD0F7A90ADB
1340 DATA 181330918D1118A9928D1218A9908D1318A9108D0518A90085B7850952
1350 DATA 181348B185B685B5A218A00020C513C8C008D0F8A207A0D0A9038D0C95
1360 DATA 1813602A02205CE4A9C08D0ED4AD2A02D0034C4D13A008A900196C091D
1370 DATA 1813781088D0FAC900D00AA9321865B185B14C4D13A5B7F0DCA5130C73
1380 DATA 181390186902C513D0FCA200BD0718291FDD0018F005B0084CB0130959
1390 DATA 1813A8E8E006D0EC4C0813A206BDFF17291F09409D0618CAD0F34C0B64
1400 DATA 1813C008130000008EC2138CC313AD0AD22907C906B0F70A0AAABD0975
1410 DATA 1813D8D210996D10BDD310997810BDD410998310A900996210BDD50BCF
1420 DATA 1813F010AAACC213A9088DC413BDAA1099001AE8C8CEC413D0F3980D45
1430 DATA 181408AAACC31360008C0D14A88A48982A2A2A2A2903AA98299F1D087A
1440 DATA 181420F6FEA868AA98AC0D1460A220A90C9D42032056E4A9149D450B11
1450 DATA 18143803A9759D4403A9039D4203A9089D4A03A9809D4B032056E40900
1460 DATA 181450A9009D4403A9109D4503A9789D4803A9049D4903A90B9D4208D9
1470 DATA 101468032056E4A90C9D42032056E460433A9B0652
1                           ;-*-MIDAS-*-
2                                   .ENABLE LC
                                .NLIST SEQ
                                .TITLE SHOOT
                                .SBTTL by John H. Palevich
                        ;       "Shoot" -- inspired by the Atari VCS "Air Sea Battle" cartridge.
                        ;       Feel free to modify & give away.  Don't even think of selling this.
                        ;       O.K.  If you want to assemble this on your Atari, you'll have to
                        ; change some things around.  Most changes can be inferred from looking
                        ; at the code that this assembler produced and figuring out what you'd
                        ; have to type to get the Atari to do the same thing.
                        ;       Some hints, though:
                        ;               ^       means /256
                        ;               .=      means *=
                        ;               .ASCII  means .BYTE
                        ;                 (in expressions) means the value of the program counter
                        ;               Lables shouldn't have ':'s.
                        ;       Colleen Operating System Equate File

     E000               CHRORG  =       $E000   ;CHARACTER SET
     E400               VECTBL  =       $E400   ;VECTOR TABLE
     E4B0               VCTABL  =       $E480   ;RAM VECTOR INITIAL VALUE TABLE
     E4A8               CIOORG  =       $E4A6   ;CENTRAL I/O HANDLER
     E0D5               INTORG  =       $EC05   ;INTERRUPT HANDLER
     E344               SIOORG  =       $E344   ;SERIAL I/O HANDLER
     E0EA               DSKORG  =       $E0FA   ;DISK HANDLER
     EE76               PRNORG  =       $EE7B   ;PRINTER HANDLER
     EF41               CASORG  =       $EF41   ;CASSETTE HANDLER
     F0E3               MONORG  =       $F0E3   ;MONITOR/POWER UP MODULE
     F3E4               KBDORG  =       $F3E4   ;KEYBOARD/DISPLAY HANDLER
                        ;       VECTOR TABLE
                        ;       TABLE. THESE ARE THE ADDRESSES MINUS ONE.
                        ;       Example for Editor
                        ;       E400    Open
                        ;          2    Close
                        ;          4    Get
                        ;          8    Put
                        ;          B    Status
                        ;          A    Special
                        ;          C    Jump to Power on initialization routine
     E400               EDITRV  =       $E400   ;EDITOR
     E410               SCRENV  =       $E410   ;TELEVISION SCREEN
     E420               KEYBDV  =       $F420   ;KEYBOARD
     E430               PRINTV  =       $E430   ;PRINTER
     E440               CASETV  =       $E440   ;CASSETTE
                        ;       JUMP VECTOR TABLE
     E450               DISKIV  =       $E450   ;disk initialization
     E453               DSKINV  =       $E453   ;disk interface
     E456               CIOV    =       $E456   ;central input output routine

     0000               ICZERO  =       $0      ;proper values for X
     0010               ICONE   =       $10     ;when calling CIOV for each
     0020               ICTWO   =       $20     ;of the IO control Blocks
     0030               ICTHRE  =       $30
     0040               ICFOUR  =       $40
     0060               ICFIVE  =       $50
     0060               ICSIX   =       $60
     0073               ICSEVE  =       $70

     E459               SIOV    =       $E459   ;serial input output routine
     E46C               SETVBV  =       $E45C   ;set system timers routine
                        ; With respect to SETVBV. the call sequence is
                        ; X = MSB of vector/timer
                        ; Y = LSB of vector/timer
                        ; A = # of vector to hack
     0001               SETMR1  =       1       ;Timer  1
     0002               SETMR2  =       2       ;       2
     0003               SETMR3  =       3       ;       3
     0004               SETMR4  =       4       ;       4
     0005               SETMR5  =       5       ;       5
     0006               SETIMM  =       6       ;Immediate VBLANK
     0007               SETDEF  =       7       ;Deffered VBLANK

     E45F               SYSVBV  =       $E45F   ;SYSTEM VERTICAL BLANK CALCULATIONS
     F462               XITVBL  =       $E462   ;EXIT VERTICAL BLANK CALCULATIONS
     E465               SIOINV  =       $E465   ;SERIAL INPUT OUTPUT INITIALIZATION
     E468               SENDEV  =       $E468   ;SEND ENABLE ROUTINE
     E46B               INTINV  =       $E46B   ;INTERRUPT HANDLER INITIALIZATION
     E46E               CIOINV  =       $E46E   ;CENTRAL INPUT OUTPUT INITIALIZATION
     E471               BLKBDV  =       $E471   ;BLACKBOARD MODE
     E474               VARMSV  =       $E474   ;WARM START ENTRY POINT
     E477               COLDSV  =       $E477   ;COLD START ENTRY POINT
     E47A               RBLOKV  =       $E47A   ;CASSETTE READ BLOCK ENTRY POINT VECTOR
     E47D               CSOPIV  =       $E470   ;CASSETTE OPEN TOR INPUT VECTOR
                        ;VCTABL =       $E480
                        ;       OPERATING SYSTEM EQUATES
                        ;       COMMAND CODES FOR IOCBS
     0003               OPEN    =       3       ;OPEN FOR INPUT/OUTPUT
     0005               GETREC  =       5       ;GET RECORD (TEXT)
     0007               GETCHR  =       7       ;GET CHARACTER(S)
     0009               PUTREC  =       9       ;PUT RECORD (TEXT)
     000B               PUTCHR  =       $B      ;PUT CHARACTER(S)
     000C               CLOSE   =       $C      ;CLOSE DEVICE
     000D               STATIS  =       $D      ;STATUS REQUEST
     000E               SPECIL  =       $E      ;BEGINNING OF SPECIAL ENTRY COMMANDS
                        ;       SPECIAL ENTRY COMMANDS
     0011               DRAWLN  =       $11     ;DRAW LINE
     0012               FILLIN  =       $12     ;DRAW LINE WITH RIGHT FILL
     0020               RENAME  =       $20     ;RENAME DISK FILE
     0021               DELETE  =       $21     ;DELETE DISK FILE
     0022               FORMAT  =       $22     ;FORMAT
     0023               LOCKFL  =       $23     ;LOCK FILE TO READ ONLY
     0024               UNLOCK  =       $24     ;UNLOCK LOCKED FILE
     0025               POINT   =       $25     ;POINT SECTOR
     0026               NOTE    =       $26     ;NOTE SECTOR
     00FF               IOCFRE  =       $FF     ;IOCB "FREE"
                        ;       AUX1 EQUATES
                        ;       () INDICATES WHICH DEVICES USE BIT
     0001               APPEND  =       $1      ;OPEN FOR WRITE APPEND (D). OR SCREEN READ (E)
     0002               DIRECT  =       $2      ;OPEN FOR DIRECTORY ACCESS (D)
     0004               OPNIN   =       $4      ;OPEN FOR INPUT (ALL DEVICES)
     0008               OPNOT   =       $8      ;GPEN FOR OUTPUT (ALL DEVICES)
     000C               OPNINO  =       OPNIN+OPNOT     ;OPEN FOR INPUT AND OUTPUT (ALL DEVICES)
     0010               MXDMOD  =       $10     ;OPEN FOR MIXED MODE (E,S)
     0020               INSCLR  =       $20     ;OPEN WITHOUT CLEARING SCREEN (E,S)
                        ;       DEVICE NAMES
     0045               SCREDT  =       'E      ;SCREEN EDITOR (R/W)
     004B               KBD     =       'K      ;KEYBOARD (R ONLY)
     0053               DISPLY  =       'S      ;SCREEN DISPIAY (R/W)
     0050               PRINTR  =       'P      ;PRINTER (W ONLY)
     0043               CASSET  =       'C      ;CASSETTE
     004D               MODEM   =       'M      ;MODEM
     0044               DISK    =       'D      ;DISK
                        ;       OPERATING SYSTEM STATUS CODES
     0001               SUCCES  =       $01     ;SUCCESSFUL OPERATION
     0080               BRKABT  =       $80     ;BREAK KEY ABORT
     0081               PRVOPN  =       $81     ;IOCB ALREADY OPEN
     0082               NONDEV  =       $82     ;NON-EXISTANT DEVICE
     0083               VRONLY  =       $83     ;IOCB OPENED FOR WRITE ONLY
     0084               NVALID  =       $84     ;INVALID COMMAND
     0085               NOIOPN  =       $85     ;DEVICE OR FILE NOT OPEN
     0086               BADIOC  =       $86     ;INVALID IOCB NUMBER
     0087               RDONLY  =       $87     ;IOCB OPENED FOR READ ONLY
     0088               EOFERR  =       $88     ;END OF FILE
     0089               TRNRCD  =       $89     ;TRUNCATED RECORD
     008A               TIMOUT  =       $8A     ;PERIPHERAL TIME OUT
     008B               DNACK   =       $8B     ;DEVICE DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE COMMAND
     008C               FRMERR  =       $8C     ;SERIAL BUS FRAMING ERROR
     008D               CRSROR  =       $8D     ;CURSOR OVERRANGE
     008E               OVRRUN  =       $8E     ;SERIAL BUS DATA OVERRUN
     008F               CHKERR  =       $8F     ;SERIAL BUS CHECKSUM ERROR
     0090               DERRER  =       $90     ;PERIPHERAL DEVICE ERROR (OPERATION NOT COMPLETED)
     0091               BADMOD  =       $91     ;BAD SCREEN MODE NUMBER
     0092               FNCNOT  =       $92     ;FUNCTION NOT IMPLEMENTED IN HANDLER
     0093               SCRMEM  =       $93     ;INSUFICIENT MEMORY FOR SCREEN MODE
                        ;       PAGE ZERO RAM ASSIGNMENTS
     0000               LINZBS  =       $0000   ;LINBUG RAM (WILL BE REPLACED BY MONITOR RAM)
                        ;       THESE LOCATIONS ARE NOT CLEARED
     0002               CASINI  =       $0002   ;CASSETTE INIT LOCATION
     0004               RAMLO   =       $0004   ;RAM POINTER FOR MEMORY TEST
     0006               TRAMSZ  =       $0006   ;TEMPORARY REGISTER FOR RAM SIZE
     0007               TSTDAT  =       $0007   ;RAM TEST DATA REGISTER
                        ;       CLEARED ON COLD START ONLY

     0008               WARMST  =       $0008   ;WARM START FLAG
     0009               BOOTQ   =       $0009   ;SUCCESSFUL BOOT FLAG <WAS BOOT?>
     000A               DOSVEC  =       $000A   ;DISK SOFTWARE START FLAG
     000C               DOSINI  =       $000C   ;DISK SOFTWARE INIT ADDRESS
     000E               APPMHI  =       $000E   ;APPLICATIONS MEMORY HI LIMIT
                        ;       CLEARED ON A COLD OR WARM START
     0010               INTZBS  =       $0010   ;INTERRUPT HANDLER
     0010               POKMSK  =       $0010   ;SYSTEM MASK FOR POKEY IRQ HANDLER
     0011               BRKKEY  =       $0011   ;BREAK KEY FLAG
     0012               RTCLOCK =       $0012   ;REAL TIME CLOCK (IN 16 MSEC UNITS)
     0015               BUFADR  =       $0015   ;INDIRECT BUFFER ADDRESS REGISTER
     0017               ICCOMT  =       $0017   ;COMMAND FOR VECTOR
     0018               DSKFMS  =       $0018   ;DISK FILE MANAGER POINTER
     001A               DSKUTL  =       $001A   ;DISK UTILITIES POINTER
     001C               PTIMOT  =       $001C   ;PRINTER TIME OUT REGISTER
     0010               PBPNT   =       $001D   ;PRINTER BUFFER POINTER
     001E               PBUFSZ  =       $001E   ;PRINT BUFFER SIZE
     001F               PTEMP   =       $001F   ;TEMPORARY REGISTER
     0020               ZIOCB   =       $0020   ;ZERO PAGE I/O CONIROL BLOCK
     0010               IOCBSZ  =       16      ;NUMBER OF BYTES PER IOCB
     0080               MAXIOC  =       8*IOCBSZ        ;LENGTH OF THE IOCB AREA
     0020               IOCBAS  =       $0020
     0020               ICHIDZ  =       $0020   ;HANDLER INDEX NUMBER (FF == IOCB FREE)
     0021               ICDNOZ  =       $0021   ;DEVICE NUMBER (DRIVE NUMBER)
     0022               ICCOMZ  =       $0022   ;COMMAND CODE
     0023               ICSTAZ  =       $0023   ;STATUS OF LAST IOCB ACTION
     0024               ICBALZ  =       $0024   ;BUFFER ADDRESS LOW BYTE
     0025               ICBAHZ  =       $0025   ;BUFFER ADDRESS HIGH BYTE
     0026               ICPTLZ  =       $0026   ;PUT BYTE ROUTINE ADDRESS - 1
     0027               ICPTHZ  =       $0027   ;
     0028               ICBLLZ  =       $0028   ;BUFFER LENGTH LOW BYTE
     0029               ICBLHZ  =       $0029
     002A               ICAX1Z  =       $002A   ;AUXILIARY INFORMATION FIRST BYTE
     002B               ICAX2Z  =       $002B
     002C               ICSPRZ  =       $002C   ;TWO SPARE BYTES (CIO LOCAL USE)
     002E               ICIDNO  =       ICSPRZ+2        ;IOCB NUMBER X 16
     002F               CIOCHR  =       ICSPRZ+3        ;CHARACTER BYTE FOR CURRENT OPERATION
     0030               STATUS  =       $0030   ;INTERNAL STATUS STORAGE
     0031               CHKSUM  =       $0031   ;CHECKSUM (SINGLE BYTE SUM WITH CARRY)
     0032               BUFRLO  =       $0032   ;POINTER TO DATA BUFFER (LO BYTE)
     0033               BUFRHI  =       $0033   ;POINTER TO DATA BUFFER (HI BYTE)
     0034               BFENLO  =       $0034   ;NEXT BYTE PAST END OF DATA BUFFER (LO BYTE)
     0035               BFENHI  =       $0035   ;NEXT BYTE PAST EHD OF DATA BUFFER (HI BYIE)
     0036               CRETRY  =       $0036   ;NUMBER OF COMMAND FRAME RETRIES
     0037               ORETRY  =       $0037   ;NUMBER OF DEVICE RETRIES
     0038               BUFRFL  =       $0038   ;DATA BUFFER FULL FLAG
     0039               RECVDN  =       $0039   ;RECIEVE DONE FLAG
     003A               XMTDON  =       $003A   ;TRANSMISSION DONE FLAG
     003B               CHKSNT  =       $003B   ;CHECKSUM SENT FLAG
     003C               NOCKSM  =       $003C   ;NO CHECKSUM FOLLOWS DATA FLAG
     003D               BPTR    =       $003D
     003E               FTYPE   =       $003E
     003F               FEOF    =       $003F
     0040               FREQ    =       $0040
     0041               SOUNDR  =       $0041   ;NOISY I/O FLAG (ZERO IS QUIET)
     0042               CRITIC  =       $0042   ;DEFINES CRITICAL SECTION (CRITICAL IF NON-ZERO)
     0043               FMSZPG  =       $0043   ;TOTAL OF 7 BYTES FOR DISK FILE MANAGER ZERO PAGE
     004A               CKEY    =       $004A   ;FLAG SET WHEN GAME START PRESSED
     004B               CASSBT  =       $0048   ;CASSETTE BOOT FLAG
     004C               DSTAT   =       $004C   ;DISPLAY STATUS
     004D               ATRACT  =       $004D   ;ATRACT FLAG
     004E               DRKMSK  =       $004E   ;DARK ATRACT FLAG
     004F               COLRSH  =       $004F   ;ATRACT COLOR SHIFTER (EOR'D WITH PLAYFIELD COLORS)
                        ;LEDGE  =       2       ;LMARGN'S VALUE AT COLD START
                        ;REDGE  =       39      ;
     0050               TMPCHR  =       $0050
     0051               HOLD1   =       $0051
     0052               LMARGN  =       $0052   ;LEFT MARGIN (SET TO ONE AT POWER ON)
     0053               RMARGN  =       $0053   ;RIGHT MARGIN (SET TO ONE AT POWER ON)
     0054               ROWCRS  =       $0054   ;CURSOR COUNTERS
     0055               COLCRS  =       $0055
     0057               DINDEX  =       $0057
     0058               SAVMSC  =       $0056
     005A               OLDROW  =       $005A
     005B               OLDCOL  =       $005B
     005D               OLDCHR  =       $005D   ;DATA UNDER CURSOR
     005E               OLDADR  =       $005E
     0060               NEWROW  =       $0060   ;POINT DRAW GOES TO
     0061               NEWCOL  =       $0061
     0063               LOGCOL  =       $0063   ;POINTS AT COLUMN IN LOGICAL LINE
     0004               AORESS  =       $0064
     0066               MLTTMP  =       $0066
     0068               SAVADR  =       $0068
     006A               RAMTOP  =       $006A   ;RAM SIZE DEFINED BY POWER ON LOGIC
     006B               BUFCNT  =       $006B   ;BUFFER COUNT
     006C               BUFSTR  =       $006C   ;EDITOR GETCH POINTER
     006E               BITMSK  =       $006E   ;BIT MASK
                        ; LOTS OF RANDOM TEMPS
     007B               SWPFLG  =       $007B   ;NON-0 IF TXT AND REGULAR RAM IS SWAPPED
     007C               HOLDCH  =       $007C   ;CH IS MOVED HERE IF KGETCH BEfore CNTL & SHIFT PROC
                        ;       80 - FF ARE FOR FP, USER, FMS AND DOS
                        ;       PAGE 1 -- STACK
                        ;       PAGE TWO RAM ASSIGNMENTS
     0200               INTABS  =       $0200   ;INTERRUPT RAM

     0200               VDBLST  =       $0200   ;DISPLAY LIST NMI VECTOR
     0202               VPRCED  =       $0202   ;PROCEED LINE IRQ VECTOR
     0204               VINTER  =       $0204   ;INTERRUPT LINE IRQ VECTOR
     0206               VBREAK  =       $0206   ;SOFTWARE BREAK (00) INSTRUCTION IRQ VECTOR
     0208               VKEYBD  =       $0208   ;POKEY KEYBOARD IRQ VECTOR
     020A               VSERIN  =       $020A   ;POKEY SERIAL INPUT READY IRQ
     020C               VSEROR  =       $020C   ;POKEY SERIAL OUTPUT READY IRQ
     020E               VSEROC  =       $020E   ;POKEY SERIAL OUTPUT COMPLETE IRQ
     0210               VTIMR1  =       $0210   ;POKEY TIMER 1 IRQ
     0212               VTIMR2  =       $0212   ;POKEY TIMER 2 IRQ
     0214               VTIMR4  =       $0214   ;POKEY TIMER 4 IRQ
     0216               VIMIRQ  =       $0216   ;IMMEDIATE IRQ VECTOR
     0218               CDTMV1  =       $0218   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 1
     021A               CDTMV2  =       $021A   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 2
     021C               CDTMV3  =       $021C   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 3
     021E               CDTMV4  =       $021E   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 4
     0220               CDTMV6  =       $0220   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 5
     0222               VVBLKI  =       $0222   ;IMMEDIATE VERTICAL BLANK NMI VECTOR
     0224               VVBLKD  =       $0224   ;DEFERRED VERTICAL BLANK NMI VECTOR
     0226               CDTMA1  =       $0226   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 1 JSR ADDRESS
     0228               CDTMA2  =       $0228   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 2 JSR ADDRESS
     022A               CDTMF3  =       $022A   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 3 FLAG
     022B               SRTIMR  =       $022B   ;SOFTWARE REPEAT TIMER
     022C               CDTMF4  =       $022C   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 4 FLAG
     022E               CDTMF5  =       $022E   ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 5 FLAG
     022F               SDMCTL  =       $022F   ;SAVE DMACTL REGISTER
     0230               SDLSTL  =       $0230   ;SAVE DISPLAY LIST LOW BYTE
     0231               SDLSTH  =       $0231   ;SAVE DISPLAY LIST HIGH BYTE
     0232               SSKCTL  =       $0232   ;SKCTL REGISTER RAM
     0234               LPENH   =       $0234   ;LIGHT PEN HORIZONTAL VALUE
     0235               LPENV   =       $0235   ;LIGHT PEN VERTICAL VALUE

     026F               GPRIOR  =       $26F    ;Global priority call
                        ;       POTENTIOMETERS
     0270               PADDL0  =       $0270
     0271               PADDL1  =       $0271
     0272               PADDL2  =       $0272
     0273               PADDL3  =       $0273
     0274               PADDL4  =       $0274
     0275               PADDL5  =       $0275
     0276               PADDL6  =       $0276
     0277               PADDL7  =       $0277
                        ;       JOYSTICKS
     0278               STICK0  =       $0278
     0279               STICK1  =       $0279
     027A               STICK2  =       $027A
     027B               STICK3  =       $027B
                        ;       PADDLE TRIGGER
     027C               PTRIG0  =       $027C
     027D               PTRIG1  =       $027D
     027E               PTR1G2  =       $027E
     027F               PTRIG3  =       $027F
     0280               PTRIG4  =       $0280
     0281               PTRIG5  =       $0281
     0282               PTRIG6  =       $0282
     0283               PTRIG7  =       $0283
                        ;       JOYSTICK TRIGGER
     0284               STRIG0  =       $0284
     0285               STRIG1  =       $0285
     0286               STRIG2  =       $0286
     0287               STRIG3  =       $0287
                        ;       Many random OS variables, the following were commented
     0290               TXTROW  =       $0290   ;Text rowcrs
     0291               TXTCOL  =       $0291   ;Text colcrs
     0293               TINDEX  =       $0293   ;text index
     0294               TXTMSC  =       $0294   ;fools convert into new msc
     0296               TXTOLD  =       $0296   ;oldrow and oldcol for text (etc.)
     02A2               ESCFLG  =       $02A2   ;Escape flag
     02B2               LOGMAP  =       $02B2   ;Logical line start bit map
     02B6               INVFLAG =       $02B6   ;Inverse video flag (toggled by Atari key)
     02B7               FILFLG  =       $02B7   ;Fill flag for draw
     02B6               SCRFLG  =       $02B8   ;Set if scroll occures
     02BE               SHFLOK  =       $02BE   ;Shift lock
     02BF               BOTSCR  =       $02BF   ;Bottom of screen: 24 Norm. 4 Split.
                        ;       COLORS
     02C0               PCOLR0  =       $02C0   ;P0 COLOR
     02C1               PCOLR1  =       $02C1   ;P1 COLOR
     02C2               PCOLR2  =       $02C2   ;P2 COLOR
     02C3               PCOLR3  =       $02C3   ;P3 COLOR
     02C4               COLOR0  =       $02C4   ;COLOR 0
     02C5               COLOR1  =       $02C5   ;COLOR 1
     02C6               COLOR2  =       $02C6   ;COLOR 2
     02C7               COLOR3  =       $02C7   ;COLOR 3
     02C6               COLOR4  =       $02C8   ;COLOR 4
                        ;       GLOBAL VARIABLES
     02E4               RAMSIZ  =       $02E4   ;RAM SIZE (HI BYTE ONLY)
     02E5               MEMIOP  =       $0215   ;TOP OF AVAILABLE USER MEMORY
     02E7               MEMLO   =       $02E7   ;BOTTOM OF AVAILABLE USER MEMORY
     02EA               DVSTAT  =       $02EA   ;STATUS BUFFER
     02F0               CRSINH  =       $02F0   ;CURSOR INHIBIT (00 = CURSOR ON)
     02F1               KEYDEL  =       $02F1   ;Key delay
     02F3               CHACT   =       $02F3   ;CHACTL REGISTER RAM
     02F4               CHBAS   =       $02F4   ;CHBAS REGISTER RAM
     02FD               FILDAT  =       $02FD   ;RIGHT FILL DATA (DRAW)
     02FB               ATACHR  =       $02FB   ;Atascii character
     02FC               CM      =       $02FC   ;global variable for keyboard
     02FE               DSPFLA  =       $02FE   ;DISPLAY FLAG: DISPLAYS CNTLS IF NON ZERO:
     02FF               SSFLAG  =       $02FF   ;Start/stop flag for paging (CNTL 1). Cleared by Break

                        ;       Page three RAM assignments
                        ;       Device control blocks
                        ;       (SIO)
     0300               DCB     =       $0300   ;Device control block
     0300               DDEVIC  =       $0300   ;Peripheral Unit 1 bus I.D. number
     0301               DUNIT   =       $0301   ;Unit number
     0302               DCOMND  =       $0302   ;Bus command
     0303               DSFATS  =       $0303   ;Command Type/status return
     0304               DBUFLO  =       $0304   ;Data buff- points low
     0305               DBUFHI  =       $0305
     0306               DTIMLO  =       $0306   ;Device time out in 1 second units
     0308               DBYTLO  =       $0308   ;Number of bytes to be transvered low byte
     0309               DBYTHI  =       $0309
     030A               DAUX1   =       $030A   ;Command Aux byte 1
     0308               DAUX2   =       $0308
     0340               IOCB    =       $0340
     0340               ICHID   =       $0340   ;Handler index number (FF = IOCB free)
     0341               ICDNO   =       $0341   ;Device number (drive number)
     0342               ICCOM   =       $0342   ;Command code
     0343               ICSTA   =       $0343   ;Status of last IOCB action
     0344               ICBAL   =       $0344   ;Buffer address low byte
     0345               ICBAH   =       $0345
     0346               ICPTL   =       $0346   ;Put byte routine address - 1
     0347               ICPTH   =       $0347
     0348               ICBLL   =       $0348   ;Buffer length low byte
     0349               ICBLH   =       $0349
     034A               ICAX1   =       $034A   ;Auxiliary information first byte
     0348               ICAX2   =       $034B
     034C               ICSPR   =       $034C   ;four spare bytes

     03C0               PRNBUF  =       $0300   ;Printer buffer (40 bytes)
                        ;       (21 spare bytes)
                        ;       Page Four Ram Assignnents
     03FD               CASBUF  =       $03FD   ;Cassette Buffer (131 bytes)
     0480               USAREA  =       $0480   ; (0480 thru 05FF for the user)
                        ;                         (except for floating point...)
                        ;       FLOATING POINT ROM ROUTINES
                        ;       IF CARRY IS USED THEN CARRY CLEAR => NO ERROR. CARRY SET => ERROR
     D800               AFP     =       $D800   ;ASCII -> FLOATING POINT (FP)
                        ;                       INBUFF * CIX -> FR0, CIX, CARRY
     D8E6               FASC    =       $D8E6   ;FP -> ASCII FR0 -> F0R,FD0-1, CARRY
     D9AA               IFP     =       $D9AA   ;INTEGER -> FP
                        ;                       0-$FFFF (LSB, MSB) IN FR0,FR0+1->FR0
     D92D               FPI     =       $D92D   ;FP -> INTEGER  FR0 -> FR0,FR0+1, CARRY
     DA60               FSUB    =       $DA60   ;FR0 <- FR0 - FR1, CARRY
     DA66               FADD    =       $DA66   ;FR0 <- FR0 + FR1  ,CARRY
     DADB               FMUL    =       $DADB   ;FR0 <- FR0 * FR1  ,CARRY
     DB28               FDIV    =       $DB28   ;FR0 <- FR0 / FR1  ,CARRY
     DD89               FLD0R   =       $DD89   ;FLOATING LOAD REG0     FR0 <- (X,Y)
     DD80               FLD0P   =       $DD8D   ;                       FR0 <- (FLPTR)
     DD98               FLD1R   =       $DD9B   ;                       FR1 <- (X,Y)
     DD9C               FLD1P   =       $DD9C   ;                       FR1 <- (FLPTR)
     DDA7               FST0R   =       $DDA7   ;FLOATING STORE REG0  (X,Y) <- FR0
     DDAB               FST0P   =       $DDAB   ;                   (FLTPTR)<- FR0
     DDB6               FMOVE   =       $DDB6   ;FR1 <- FR0
     DD40               PLYEVL  =       $DD40   ;FR0 <- P(Z) = SUM(I = N TO 0) (A(I) *Z**I) CARRY

                        ;                       INPUT:  (X,Y) = A(N), A(N-I)...A(0) -> PLYARG
                        ;                               ACC   = # OF COEFFICIENTS = DEGREE + 1
                        ;                               FR0   = Z
     DDC0               EXP     =       $DDC0   ;FR0 <- E**FR0 = EXP10(FR0 * LOG10(E)) CARRY
     DDCC               EXP10   =       $DDCC   ;FR0 <- 10**FR0 CARRY
     DECD               LOG     =       $DECD   ;FR0 <- LN(FR0) = LOG10(FR0) / LOG10(E) CARRY
     DE01               LOG10   =       $DE01   ;FR0 <- LOG10(FR0) CARRY
                        ;       THE FOLLOWING ARE IN THE BASIC CARTRIDGE:
     BD81               SIN     =       $BD81   ;FR0 <- SIN(FR0) DEGFLG=0 => RADS, 6->DEG. CARRY

     BD73               COS     =       $BD73   ;FR0 <- COS(FR0)        CARRY
     BD43               ATAN    =       $BD43   ;FR0 <- ATN(FR0)        CARRY
     BEB1               SQR     =       $BEB1   ;FR0 <- SQUAREROOT(FR0) CARRY
                        ;       FLOATING POINT ROUTINES ZERO PAGE (NEEDED ONLY IF F.P.
                        ;               ROUTINES ARE CALLED)
     00D4               FR0     =       $00D4   ;FP REG0
     00E0               FR1     =       $00E0   ;FP REG1
     00F2               CIX     =       $00F2   ;CURRENT INPUT INDEX
     00F3               INBUFF  =       $00F3   ;POINTS TO USER'S LINE INPUT BUFFER
     00FB               RADFLG  =       $00FB   ;0 = RADIANS, 6 = DEGREES
     00FC               FLTPTR  =       $00FC   ;POINTS TO USERS FLOATING POINT NUMBER
                        ;       FLOATING POINT ROUTINES' NON-ZP RAM
                        ;       (057E to 06FF)
     0580               LBUFF   =       $0580   ;LINE BUFFER
     05E0               PLYARG  =       LBUFF+$60       ;POLYNOMILA ARGUMENTS
                        ;       COLLEEN MNEMONICS
     D200               POKEY   =       $D200       ;VBLANK ACTION:         DESCRIPTION:
     D200               POT0    =       POKEY+0     ;POT0-->PADDL0          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D201               POT1    =       POKEY+1     ;POT1-->PADDL1          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D202               POT2    =       POKEY+2     ;POT2-->PADDL2          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D203               POT3    =       POKEY+3     ;POT3-->PADDL3          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D204               POT4    =       POKEY+4     ;POT4-->PADDL4          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D205               POTS    =       POKEY+5     ;POT5-->PADDL5          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D206               POTC    =       POKEY+6     ;POT6-->PADDL8          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D207               POT7    =       POKEY+7     ;POT7-->PADDL7          0-227 IN RAM CELL
     D208               ALLPOT  =       POKEY+8     ;???
     D209               KBCODE  =       POKEY+9
     D20A               RANDOM  =       POKEY+10
     D20B               POTGO   =       POKEY+11    ;Strobed
                        ;               n/a
     D20D               SERIN   =       POKEY+13
     D20E               IRQST   =       POKEY+14
     D20F               SKSTAT  =       POKEY+15
     D200               AUDF1   =       POKEY+0
     D201               AUDC1   =       POKEY+1
     D202               AUDF2   =       POKEY+2
     D203               AUDC2   =       POKEY+3
     D204               AUDF3   =       POKEY+4
     D205               AUDC3   =       POKEY+5
     D206               AUDF4   =       POKEY+6
     D207               AUDC4   =       POKEY+7
     D208               AUDCT   =       POKEY+8     ;NONE                   AUDCTL<--[SIO]
     D209               STIMER  =       POKEY+9
     D20A               SKRES   =       POKEY+10    ;NONE                   SKRES<--[SIO]
     D20B               POTGO   =       POKEY+11
     D20D               SEROUT  =       POKEY+13    ;NONE                   SEROUT<--[SIO]
     D20E               IRQEN   =       POKEY+14    ;POKMSK-->IRQEN (AFFECTED BY OPEN S: OR E:)
     D20F               SKCTL   =       POKEY+16    ;SSKCTL-->SKCTL          SSKCTL<--[SIO]
     D000               CTIA    =       $D000
     D000               HPOSP0  =       CTIA+0
     D001               HPOSP1  =       CTIA+1
     D002               HPOSP2  =       CTIA+2
     D003               HPOSP3  =       CTIA+3
     D004               HPOSM0  =       CTIA+4
     D005               HPOSM1  =       CTIA+5
     D006               HPOSM2  =       CTIA+6
     D007               HPOSM3  =       CTIA+7
     D008               SIZEP0  =       CTIA+8
     D009               SIZEP1  =       CTIA+9
     D00A               SIZEP2  =       CTIA+10
     D00B               SIZCP3  =       CTIA+11
     D00C               SIZEM   =       CTIA+12
     D00D               GRAFP0  =       CTIA+13
     D00E               GRAFP1  =       CTIA+14
     D00F               GRAFP2  =       CTIA+15
     D010               GRAFP3  =       CTIA+16
     D011               GRAFM   =       CTIA+17
     D012               COLPM0  =       CTIA+18 ;PCOLR0-->COLPM0     WITH ATTRACT MODE
     D013               COLPM1  =       CTIA+19 ;ETC.N
     D014               COLPM2  =       CTIA+20
     D015               COLPM3  =       CTIA+21
     D016               COLPF0  =       CTIA+22
     D017               COLPF1  =       CTIA+23
     D018               COLPF2  =       CTIA+24
     D019               COLPF3  =       CTIA+25
     D01A               COLBK   =       CTIA+26
     D01B               PRIOR   =       CTIA+27
     D01C               VDELAY  =       CTIA+28
     D01D               GRACTL  =       CTIA+29
     D01E               HITCLR  =       CTIA+30
     D01F               CONSOL  =       CTIA+31 ;$08-->CONSOL        TURN OFF SPEAKER
     D000               M0PF    =       CTIA+0
     D002               M2PF    =       CTIA+2
     D003               M3PF    =       CTIA+3
     D004               P0PF    =       CTIA+4
     D005               P1PF    =       CTIA+5
     D006               P2PF    =       CTIA+6
     D007               P3PF    =       CTIA+7
     D008               M0PL    =       CTIA+8
     D009               M1PL    =       CTIA+9
     D00A               M2PL    =       CTIA+10
     D00B               M3PL    =       CTIA+11
     D00C               P0PL    =       CTIA+12
     D00D               P1PL    =       CTIA+13
     D00E               P2PL    =       CTIA+14
     D00F               P3PL    =       CTIA+15
     D010               TRIG0   =       CTIA+16         ;TRIG0-->STRIG1
     D011               TRIG1   =       CTIA+17         ;ETC.
     D012               TR1G2   =       CTIA+18
     D013               TRIG3   =       CTIA+19
     D014               PAL     =       CTIA+20
     D400               ANTIC   =       $D400
     D400               DMACTL  =       ANTIC+0         ;DMACTL<--SDMCTL  ON OPEN S: OR E:
     D401               CHARCTL =       ANTIC+1         ;CHACTL<--CHACT   ON OPEN S: OR E:
     D402               DLISTL  =       ANTIC+2         ;DIISTt<--SDLSTL  ON OPEN S: OR E:
     D403               DLISTH  =       ANTIC+3         ;OLISFH<--SDLSTH  ON OPEN S: OR E:
     D404               HSCROL  =       ANTIC+4
     D405               VSCROL  =       ANTIC+5
     D407               PMBASE  =       ANTIC+7
     D409               CHBASE  =       ANTIC+9         ;CMBASE<--CHBAS   ON OPEN S: OR E:
     D40A               WSYNC   =       ANTIC+10
     D408               VCOUNT  =       ANTIC+11
     D40C               PENH    =       ANTIC+12
     D40D               PENV    =       ANTIC+13
     D40E               NMIEN   =       ANTIC+14        ;NMIEN<--40       POWER ON AND [SETVBV]
     D40F               NMIRES  =       ANTIC+15        ;STROBED
     D40F               HMIST   =       ANTIC+15
                        ;       Lots and lots of unofficial
                        ;       Mnemonics for display list instructions.
                        ;       as well as other bit patterns.
                        ;       DL prefix implies display list
                        ;       instruction, naturally
     0000               DLBL1   =       0       ; One blank line
     0010               DLBL2   =       $10     ; Two blank lines
     0020               DLBL3   =       $20     ; Three
     0030               DLBL4   =       $30     ; Four
     0040               DLBL5   =       $40     ; Five
     0050               DLBL6   =       $50     ; Six
     0060               DLBL7   =       $60     ; Seven
     0070               DLBL8   =       $70     ; Eight blank lines

     0080               DLINT   =       $80     ; Generate DisplayListInterrupt when this
                                                ; instruction is interpreted.
     0001               DLJMP   =       $1      ; Tells Antic Chip to junp to contents of next two bytes
     0041               DLJVB   =       $41     ; Same as DLJMP but also halts ANTIC 'till next verticle blank
     0040               DLLDM   =       $40     ; Tells Antic chip to start retrieving data from memory referenced by the next t
     0020               DLVSCR  =       $20     ; (sort of) enables vertical scroll
     0010               DLHSCR  =       $10     ; enable horizontal scroll
                        ;       Playfield Instructions
     000F               DLPF15  =       15      ; 320 dots  2 colors  1 scan line
     000E               DLPF14  =       14      ; 160       4         1
     000D               DLPF13  =       13      ; 160       4         2
     000C               DLPF12  =       12      ; 160       2         1
     000B               DLPF11  =       11      ; 160       2         2
     000A               DLPF10  =       10      ; 80        4         4
     0009               DLPF9   =       9       ; 80        2         4
     0008               DLPF8   =       8       ; 40        4         8

                        ; Character PF types

     0007               DLPF7   =       7       ; 20 chars  5 colors  16 scan lines
     0006               DLPF6   =       6       ; 20        5         8
     0005               DLPF5   =       5       ; 40        5         16 (hairy 4 color characters)
     0004               DLPF4   =       4       ; 40        5         8
     0003               DLPF3   =       3       ; 40        2         10 (Text processing)
     0002               DLPF2   =       2       ; 40        2         8 (Normal text mode)

                        ; PF1 & PF0 are special. . . .

                        ;       Player & Missile Offsets
                        ;       Denoted by PM prefix
     0024               PMLF    =       $24     ;left side of screen
     00DD               PMRF    =       $DD     ;flight side of screen
     0180               PMDM    =       $180    ;Missile offset, for double line resolution
     0200               PMDP0   =       $200    ;Player 0
     0280               PMDP1   =       $280    ;Player 1
     0300               PMDP2   =       $300    ;Player 2
     0380               PMDP3   =       $380    ;Player 3
     0300               PMSM    =       2*PMDM  ;Missile offset for single line resolution
     0400               PMSP0   =       2*PMDP0 ;Player 0
     0500               PMSP1   =       2*PMDP1 ;       1
     0600               PMSP2   =       2*PMDP2 ;       2
     0700               PMSP3   =       2*PMDP3 ;       3

                        ;       Colors. denoted by CL
     0000               CLGREY  =       0       ;grey
     0010               CLGOLD  =       $10     ;gold
     0020               CLORNG  =       $20     ;orange
     0030               CLRED   =       $30     ;red-orange
     0040               CLPINK  =       $40     ;pink
     0050               CLPURP  =       $50     ;purple
     0060               CLPURB  =       $60     ;purple blue
     0070               CLPBLU  =       $70     ;blue 1
     0080               CLBLUE  =       $80     ;blue 2
     0090               CLLBLU  =       $90     ;light blue
     00A0               CLTURQ  =       $A0     ;turquoise
     00B0               CLGBLU  =       $B0     ;green blue
     00C0               CLGREN  =       $C0     ;green
     0000               CLYGRN  =       $D0     ;yellow green
     00E0               CLOGRN  =       $E0     ;orange green
     00F0               CLLTOR  =       $F0     ;light orange
                        ;       Bit Masks for console switches
     0001               SWSTRT  =       $1      ;Start
     0002               SWSEL   =       $2      ;Select
     0004               SWOPT   =       $4      ;Option

                        ;       Joystick bit masks

     0008               JYR     =       8       ;Right
     0004               JYL     =       4       ;Left
     0002               JYB     =       2       ;Back
     0001               JYF     =       1       ;Forward

     D300               PIA     =       $D300
     D300               PORTA   =       PIA+0   ;PORTA-->STICK0,1    X-Y CONTROLLERS
     D301               PORTB   =       PIA+1   ;PORTB-->STICK2,3
     D302               PACTL   =       PIA+2   ;NONE                PACTL<--3C [INIT]
     D303               PBCTL   =       PIA+3   ;NONE                PBCTL<--3C [INIT]
     0030               ASCZER  =       '0      ;Ascii zero
     003A               COLON   =       $3A     ;Ascii Colon
     009B               EOL     =       $9B     ;End of Record

                        ; The Following are subroutines

     F385               PUTLIN  =       $F385   ;X -- Lo byte
                                                ;Y -- Hi byte
                                                ;of line

     E7D1               XVB     =       $E7D1   ;System VBLANK exit routine
                        ;               End of Atari equates.
                        ;       The rest of this is (C)1981 John H. Palevich
     1000               ORG     =       $1000           ;Must be at least 3K of memory
                                                        ;above this point. . . .
     1000               .=ORG
                                    ;Once in the actual game you can make
                                    ;identical copies of it by pressing OPTION
                                    ;and SELECT down simultaneously between
                                    ;plays.  The Atari will beep twice and you
                                    ;should press play & record and then RETURN
                                    ;to make a copy.  After one copy is made
                                    ;the game starts all over again.
     1000               PST=.
                        ;       This is the Boot tape header table.
1000   00                       .BYTE   0               ;Traditional
1001   09                       .BYTE   PND-PST+127/128 ;# of 128 byte blocks in program
1002   00   10                  .ADDR   PST             ;Start of place to load program
1004   08   10                  .ADDR   PINIT           ;Place to jump after loading


1006   18                       CLC
1007   60                       RTS

1008   A9   3C          PINIT:  LDA     #$3C
100A   8D   02   D3             STA     PACTL   ;turn off cassete motor

100D   A9   16                  LDA     #RESTRT&$FF     ;Shove the restrt vector into
100F   85   0A                  STA     DOSVEC          ;the DOS vector.
1011   A9   10                  LDA     #RESTRT^
1013   85   0B                  STA     DOSVEC+1
1015   60                       RTS

                        ;       WARMSTART ENTRY POINT
1016   4C   4E   12     RESTRT: JMP     BEGIN

                        ; .....................
                        ; Look, up in the sky!  Its a helicopter, it's a plane. It's
                        ; a saucer, no, it's Jack's wonderful 'SHOOT' game.

                        ; Zero-Page-Variables
                        ;(None of these variables Have to be on the zero page, but
                        ;putting them here speeds up and shortens the code)
     00B0               DLIC    =       $B0 ;Counter of display list interrupts
     00B1               DSCOR   =       $B1 ;Delta score.
     00B2               MX      =       $B2 ;Missile X coordinate
     00B3               MDX     =       $B3 ;Missile X velocity
     00B4               MY      =       $B4 ;Missile Y position (Zero means no missile
                                            ;on the screen.)
     00B5               DSEC    =       $B5 ;mod 15 counter for score to second conversion
     00B6               JIFF    =       $B6 ;mod 60 counter for jiffy to second conversion
     00B7               STOP    =       $B7 ;Non zero neans ignore player's button.  Used
                                            ;to keep him from firing unless we want him to.
                        ; Data Tables
                        ; MDLIST -- My display list. Consists of the standard-24-blank-scan-lines.
                        ; 8 scan lines of text (the score and copyright line)
                        ; 11 sets of 16 scan lines with a display list interrupt
                        ; occuring at the start of each pair
                        ; and a final jump & wait for vertical blank instruction

1019   70   70   70     MDLIST: .BYTE   DLBL8,DLBL8,DLBL8
101C   46                       .BYTE   DLLDM+DLPF6     ;C
101D   00   18                  .ADDR   SCORLN
101F   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;1,2
1021   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;3,4
1023   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;5,6
1025   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;7,8
1027   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;9,10
1029   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;11,12
102B   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;13,14
102D   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;15,16
102F   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;17,18
1031   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;19,20
1033   F0   70                  .BYTE   DLBL8+DLINT,DLBL8     ;21,22
1035   41                       .BYTE   DLJVB
1036   19   10                  .ADDR   MDLIST
                        ; Message table

1038   28   43   29     TMSG:   .ASCII  "(C)1981 J H PALEVICH" ;Horrible bugs will infest the code
103B   31   39   38
103E   31   20   4A
1041   20   48   20
1044   50   41   4C
1047   45   56   49
104A   43   48
                                              ;of who-so-ever changes this copyright
                                              ;message to something else!

                        ; The next many tables are for the display list interrupt handler.
                        ; They are all 11 bytes long, so that there is one byte in each
                        ; table for each display list interrupt.  The First DLI uses the
                        ; rirst byte in the table, and so forth, so in the TCOLB table,
                        ; for instance, the top of the sky is black, then the first DLI
                        ; makes it turn CLBLUE, the second CLLBLU. and so on.

                        ; TCOLB - table of colors for backround
                        ;  The sky starts out black and turns light blue, then
                        ; the backround turns green for the 'ground' under the gun.
104C   80   90   82     TCOLB:  .BYTE   CLBLUE,CLLBLU,CLBLUE+2
104F   92   84   94             .BYTE   CLLBLU+2,CLBLUE+4,CLLBLU+4
1052   86   96   88             .BYTE   CLBLUE+6,CLLBLU+6,CLBLUE+8
1055   98   C8                  .BYTE   CLLBLU+8,CLGREN+8
                        ; TCOLP - COLOR PLAYER ZERO
                        ; Player zero is the planes in the sky and the gun on the ground

1057   08   18          TCOLP:  .BYTE   CLGREY+8,CLGOLD+8
1059   28   38                  .BYTE   CLORNG+8,CLRED+8
105B   48   58                  .BYTE   CLPINK+8,CLPURP+8
105D   68   78                  .BYTE   CLPURB+8,CLPBLU+8
105F   80   38   38             .BYTE   CLBLUE,CLRED+8,CLRED+8
                        ; TPX -- Players X position
                        ;       The gun it always stuck at 124.
                        ;       DPLANE takes care of the planes' x position.
                        ;       DLIH sets the X position to zero to kill the
                        ; plane and get it off the screen.

1062   00   01   02     TPX:    .BYTE   0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,124,124
1065   03   04   05
1068   06   07   08
106B   7C   7C

                        ; TDX -- Player's velocity.
                        ;       The gun is always zero, so it will not drift off
                        ; to either side.

106D   01   02   03     TDX:    .BYTE   1,2,3,2,1,255,254,253
1070   02   01   FF
1073   FE   FD
1075   FE   00   00             .BYTE   254,0,0

                        ; TVAL -- PLAYER'S POINT-VALUE
                        ;       Set by DPLANE
                        ;       Used by DLIH

1078   01   02   03     TVAL:   .BYTE   1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
107B   04   05   06
107E   07   08   09
1081   0A   0B

                        ; TWID -- width of the player
                        ;       0 -- normal (two GR. 0 characters) wide
                        ;       1 -- double (four Gr. 0 characters) wide
                        ;       The gun is double width

1083   00   01   00     TWID:   .BYTE   0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1
1086   01   00   01
1089   00   01   00
108C   01   01
                        ; That's the end of the tables used by the DLIH
                        ; routine.

                        ; JTAB -- missiles X velocity
                        ;       Used to convert from the joystick direction to
                        ; the speed end direction of the missile.  Used by VBLI.

108E   00   01   FF     JTAB:   .BYTE   0,1,255,0
1091   00

                        ; GUNTAB -- Picture of gun in all three
                        ; directions.
1092   00   03   06     GUNTAB: .BYTE   0,3,6,$C,$1C,$3C,$7E,$FF
1095   0C   1C   3C
1098   7E   FF
109A   00   C0   60             .BYTE   0,$C0,$60,$30,$38,$3C,$7E,$FF
109D   30   38   3C
10A0   7E   FF
                        ;.. ++...

10A2   00   18   18             .BYTE   0,$18,$18,$18,$18,$3C,$7E,$FF
10A5   18   18   3C
10A8   7E   FF

                        ;  Pattern defn's.
                        ;  Used by DPLANE to draw the planes.  Note that
                        ; the top two lines must be blank or else all sorts
                        ; of messy chopping effects will occur.

                        ; Pattern Zero is a helicopter flying left.

10AA   00   00   F8     PTOL:   .BYTE   0,0,$F8,$20,$F2,$9E,$90,$F0
10AD   20   F2   9E
10B0   90   F0
                        ;........       helicopter flying right.

10B2   00   00   1F             .BYTE   0,0,$1F,4,$4F,$79,9,$F
10B5   04   4F   79
10B8   09   0F
                        ;........       airplane flying left.
10BA   00   00   01             .BYTE   0,0,1,$0D,$3F,$7F,$18,0
10BD   0D   3F   7F
10C0   18   00
                        ;........       airplane flying right

10C2   00   00   80             .BYTE   0,0,$80,$B0,$FC,$FE,$18,0
10C5   B0   FC   FE
10C8   18   00
                        ;........       saucer flying left, right, hovering, etc.
10CA   00   18   24             .BYTE   0,$18,$24,$7E,$81,$7E,0,0
10CD   7E   81   7E
10D0   00   00
                        ; TPLANE DX, VAL, WID, PAT table
                        ;       TPLANE is a table used by DPLANE to
                        ; create planes.  What DPLANE does Is pick a random number
                        ; between zero and five and use that nunber to fill in the
                        ; IDX, FVAL, TWID and player zero slots for that kind of plane.
                        ;       There is no real reason to stop with only six
                        ; kinds of planes. . . .
10D2   01   05   00     TPLANE: .BYTE   1,5,0,8     ;Helicopter, left
10D5   08
10D6   FF   05   00             .BYTE   $FF,5,0,0   ; "      " , right
10D9   00
10DA   02   0A   01             .BYTE   2,10,1,24   ;Airplane, left
10DD   18
10DE   FE   0A   01             .BYTE   $FE,10,1,16 ; " " , right
10E1   10
10E2   03   19   00             .BYTE   3,25,0,32   ;Saucer, left
10E5   20
10E6   FD   19   00             .BYTE   $FD,25,0,32 ;Saucer, right
10E9   20
                        ; Player missile table equates
     1800               MPMBAS  =       ORG+$800    ;Player missile base --
                                                    ;Leave 2K for the main program

     1800               SCORLN  =       MPMBAS      ;Score line (uses 20 bytes)

     0080               GUNOFF  =       96          ;Gun offset -- Y position of top
                                                    ;of gun.

     1A80               GUNPOS  =       MPMBAS+PMDP0+GUNOFF ;Memory location of
                                                            ;top of gun in player0 memory.

     1800               SCORE   =       SCORLN      ;Address of Score (six digets)
     1807               HISCOR  =       SCORLN+7    ;Address of High score (six digets)
     180E               TIME    =       SCORLN+14   ;Address of Time remaining (six digets)

                        ; This is the DLI handler --
                        ;       it is called every time the Antic chip fetches a display
                        ; list byte with the high bit set.  It saves the A and X registers.
                        ; changes the sky & color & width & position of the next plane,
                        ; and checks to see if the previous plane has been hit.  If so, it
                        ; moves that plane off the screen and adds the point value of that
                        ; plane to the DSCOR variable.  Then it restores X & A and returns.

10EA   48               DLIH:   PHA                 ;Save A
10EB   8A                       TXA
10EC   48                       PHA                 ;Save X
10ED   A6   B0                  LDX     DLIC        ;Change the sky's color as fast as
10EF   E8                       INX                 ;we can.
10F0   BD   4C   10             LDA     TCOLB,X     ;but.
10F3   8D   0A   D4             STA     WSYNC       ;wait untill we can do it without
10F6   8D   1A   D0             STA     COLBK       ;the user noticing it.
10F9   A6   B0                  LDX     DLIC
10FB   AD   08   D0             LDA     M0PL        ;Did missile 0 hit anything?
10FE   29   01                  AND     #1          ;like P0?
1100   F0   13                  BEQ     DLIH2       ;No.
1102   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;Yes:
1104   9D   62   10             STA     TPX,X       ;So zero x position.
1107   9D   6D   10             STA     TDX,X       ;and x velocity.
110A   BD   78   10             LDA     TVAL,X      ;and add the value of
110D   18                       CLC                 ;that player to DSCOR
110E   65   B1                  ADC     DSCOR
1110   85   B1                  STA     DSCOR
1112   8D   1E   D0             STA     HITCLR      ;And clear the hit registers.

1115   E8               DLIH2:  INX                 ;In any event, update:
1116   86   B0                  STX     DLIC
1118   BD   62   10             LDA     TPX,X       ;plane's X position.
111B   18                       CLC
111C   7D   6D   10             ADC     TDX,X
111F   9D   62   10             STA     TPX,X

1122   8D   00   D0             STA     HPOSP0
1125   BD   57   10             LDA     TCOLP,X   ;plane's color
1128   8D   12   D0             STA     COLPM0
112B   BD   83   10             LDA     TWID,X    ;plane's width
112E   8D   08   D0             STA     SIZEP0
1131   68                       PLA               ;restore X
1132   AA                       TAX
1133   68                       PLA               ;restore A
1134   40                       RTI               ;and return.

                        ; VBLH -- vertical blank interrupt
                        ;       gets called 60 times a second when the TV gun has just
                        ; retraced the screen and the Antic chip is starting to read the
                        ; display list all over again.
                        ;       It updates the player's score & time-left counter,
                        ; updates the missile if it is in flight, fires it if it is not
                        ; in flight and if the joystick's button is pressed, resets the
                        ; counter that the display list interrupt handler uses to tell
                        ; where it is, and kills the missile if it hit a plane or went
                        ; off the top of the screen.

1135   A5   B1          VBLH:   LDA     DSCOR     ;Check if there are any unscored
1137   D0   08                  BNE     VBL5      ;points left. Yes.
1139   A9   80                  LDA     #$80      ;No.
113B   8D   03   D2             STA     AUDC2     ;Turn off point sound
113E   4C   90   11             JMP     VBL7

1141   38               VBL5:   SEC               ;Subtract one from the unscored
1142   E9   01                  SBC     #1        ;points counter.
1144   85   B1                  STA     DSCOR

1146   A9   8A                  LDA     #$8A      ;Turn on the point sound.
1148   8D   03   D2             STA     AUDC2

114B   A2   05                  LDX     #5        ;Add one to the SCORE counter.
114D   BD   00   18     VBL6:   LDA     SCORE,X   ;Which by an amazing coincidence
1150   18                       CLC               ;is in a human readable forn.
1151   69   01                  ADC     #1
1153   09   10                  ORA     #$10      ;If it was a space make it a '1'.
1155   9D   00   18             STA     SCORE,X
1158   C9   1A                  CMP     #$1A      ;Greater than a '9'?
115A   D0   09                  BNE     VBLH5     ;No.
115C   A9   10                  LDA     #$10      ;Yes. Set to '0' ind add one to
115E   9D   00   18             STA     SCORE,X   ;the next most significant diget.
1161   CA                       DEX
1162   4C   4D   11             JMP     VBL6
1165   A5   B7          VBLH5:  LDA     STOP      ;No free time if
1167   D0   27                  BNE     VBL7      ;we're STOPed.

1169   A6   B5                  LDX     DSEC      ;Has he scored 15 points in a row
116B   E8                       INX               ;yet?
116C   86   B5                  STX     DSEC
116E   E0   0F                  CPX     #15
1170   D0   1E                  BNE     VBL7      ;Nope.
1172   A2   00                  LDX     #0        ;Yes.  Reset this counter, then, and
1174   86   B5                  STX     DSEC

1176   A2   05                  LDX     #5        ;give this man a second of free time.
1178   BD   0E   18     VBL8:   LDA     TIME,X    ;(this routine is just like the VBL6
117B   18                       CLC               ;one, only it fiddles with numbers that
117C   69   01                  ADC     #1        ;are a different color. . . .)
117E   09   90                  ORA     #$90
1180   9D   0E   18             STA     TIME,X
1183   C9   9A                  CMP     #$9A
1185   90   09                  BCC     VBL7
1187   A9   90                  LDA     #$90
1189   9D   0E   18             STA     TIME,X
118C   CA                       DEX
118D   4C   78   11             JMP     VBL8

1190   A6   B6          VBL7:   LDX     JIFF      ;Move 60 jiffies (a jiffy is used
1192   E8                       INX               ;by Pet owners and other people
1193   86   B6                  STX     JIFF      ;to denote a 60th of a second) elapsed?
1195   E0   3C                  CPX     #60
1197   D0   22                  BNE     VBL9      ;No!
1199   A2   00                  LDX     #0        ;Yes.  Reset jiffy counter
119B   86   B6                  STX     JIFF

119D   A5   B7                  LDA     STOP      ;Has time stopped?
119F   D0   2E                  BNE     VBL12     ;Yes.

11A1   A2   05                  LDX     #5        ;No, so we shall take away a second from
11A3   BD   0E   18     VBL10:  LDA     TIME,X    ;the user's time (har har har)
11A6   38                       SEC               ;in just the same way as we added one.
11A7   E9   01                  SBC     #1        ;except for a few changes.
11A9   09   90                  ORA     #$90
11AB   9D   0E   18             STA     TIME,X

11AE   C9   9F                  CMP     #$9F      ;Like this check for borrow in place
11B0   D0   09                  BNE     VBL9      ;of a check for carry.
11B2   A9   99                  LDA     #$99
11B4   9D   0E   18             STA     TIME,X
11B7   CA                       DEX
11B8   4C   A3   11             JMP     VBL10

11BB   A9   00          VBL9:   LDA     #0        ;Has the user run out of time??
11BD   A2   06                  LDX     #6        ;If so, OR-ing together all of his
11BF   1D   0D   18     VBL11:  ORA     TIME-1,X  ;time-left digets should give a zero
11C2   CA                       DEX
11C3   D0   FA                  BNE     VBL11

11C5   29   0F                  AND     #$F
11C7   C9   00                  CMP     #0        ;Does It?
11C9   D0   04                  BNE     VBL12     ;No
11CB   A9   01                  LDA     #1        ;Yes.  Stop time!!!
11CD   85   B7                  STA     STOP

11CF   A9   00          VBL12:  LDA     #0        ;Store a zero into the ATRACT flag
11D1   85   4D                  STA     ATRACT    ;to keep the Atari from futzing with
                                                  ;our screen colors. . . .  Of course
                                                  ;this means that the user might end
                                                  ;up with the game field permanently
                                                  ;embossed on his TV screen. . . .

11D3   AD   78   02             LDA     STICK0    ;Take STICK0
11D6   4A                       LSR     A
11D7   4A                       LSR     A         ;Divide it by 4
11D8   AA                       TAX               ;Use that number to look up the
11D9   BD   8E   10             LDA     JTAB,X    ;direction the missile should
11DC   85   B3                  STA     MDX       ;travel in.
11DE   CA                       DEX               ; Then subtract one from that
11DF   8A                       TXA               ; (It better not be 0. . . .)
11E0   0A                       ASL     A         ;And multiply by eight
11E1   0A                       ASL     A         ;to get an index into the
11E2   0A                       ASL     A         ;table of the gun pictures
11E3   AA                       TAX
11E4   A0   00                  LDY     #0
11E6   BD   92   10     GUNDLP: LDA     GUNTAB,X  ;Copy the picture of the gun
11E9   99   60   1A             STA     GUNPOS,Y  ;into player zero.  Use two
11EC   C8                       INY               ;bytes for each byte in the
11ED   99   60   1A             STA     GUNPOS,Y  ;piture table so the gun is
11F0   E8                       INX               ;10 dots (32 scan lines) high.
11F1   C8                       INY
11F2   C0   10                  CPY     #16
11F4   D0   F0                  BNE     GUNDLP

11F6   A5   B2                  LDA     MX        ;Now update missile's X position.
11F8   18                       CLC
11F9   65   B3                  ADC     MDX
11FB   85   B2                  STA     MX
11FD   8D   04   D0             STA     HPOSM0

1200   A5   B4                  LDA     MY        ;Missile Y
1202   F0   26                  BEQ     VCONT     ;No missile
1204   AA                       TAX
1205   A9   00                  LDA     #0        ;Erase old missile
1207   9D   80   19             STA     MPMBAS+PMDM,X

120A   CA                       DEX               ;Hit top of screen?
120B   F0   11                  BEQ     VMDIE     ;Yes.
120D   A5   B1                  LDA     DSCOR     ;Hit an airplane with the missile?
120F   D0   12                  BNE     VMHIT     ;No.
1211   86   B4                  STX     MY
1213   A9   FF                  LDA     #$FF      ;Draw new missile

1215   9D   80   19             STA     MPMBAS+PMDM,X

1218   8E   00   D2             STX     AUDF1     ;fweep sound effect
121B   4C   2A   12             JMP     VCONT

121E   86   B4          VMDIE:  STX     MY        ;Zero the missile's Y coordinate
1220   4C   2A   12             JMP     VCONT     ;to kill the missile.

1223   A2   00          VMHIT:  LDX     #0        ;Since we hit something we should
1225   8E   00   D2             STX     AUDF1     ;silence the sound register
1228   86   B4                  STX     MY        ;and zero the missile.

122A   A5   B7          VCONT:  LDA     STOP      ;Stoped?
122C   D0   16                  BNE     VCONT2    ;Yes.

122E   AD   84   02             LDA     STRIG0    ;Check if hunan wants to fire
1231   D0   11                  BNE     VCONT2    ;No.

1233   A5   B4                  LDA     MY        ;Check if he CAN fire.
1235   D0   0D                  BNE     VCONT2    ;Can't

1237   A9   62                  LDA     #GUNOFF+2 ;Set the Y coordinate to Just
1239   85   B4                  STA     MY        ;above the muzzle or the gun.
123B   A5   B3                  LDA     MDX       ;To get the X coordinate.
123D   0A                       ASL     A         ;multiply MDX (the direction the
123E   0A                       ASL     A         ;gun is pointing) by 4
123F   18                       CLC               ;and add to 132 (which is the
1240   69   84                  ADC     #132      ;CENTER of the Gun)
1242   85   B2                  STA     MX

1244   A9   FF          VCONT2: LDA     #$FF      ;Reset DLI counter
1246   85   B0                  STA     DLIC
1248   8D   1E   D0             STA     HITCLR    ;Zero hits.
124B   4C   5F   E4             JMP     SYSVBV    ;Jump to the OS's exit vblank routine.
                        ; Main program starts here!!!

124E   A9   A8          BEGIN:  LDA     #$A8        ;Missile sound is pure at volume 8
1250   8D   01   D2             STA     AUDC1
1253   A9   80                  LDA     #$80        ;Score sound is a silent fuzz.
1255   8D   03   D2             STA     AUDC2

1258   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;missile frequency is ultrasonic
125A   8D   00   D2             STA     AUDF1

125D   A9   30                  LDA     #$30        ;score frequency is a high fuzz.
125F   8D   02   D2             STA     AUDF2
                        ; Erase player missile memory space.
1262   A2   80                  LDX     #128
1264   A9   00                  LDA     #0
1266   9D   FF   19     CLOOP:  STA     MPMBAS+PMDP0-1,X        ;We only use Player zero
1269   9D   7F   19             STA     MPMBAS+PMDM-1,X         ;and the missiles.
126C   CA                       DEX
126D   D0   F7                  BNE     CLOOP

126F   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;Move all the players and missiles
1271   A2   08                  LDX     #8          ;off the screen.
1273   9D   FF   CF     PLOOP:  STA     HPOSP0-1,X
1276   CA                       DEX
1277   D0   FA                  BNE     PLOOP

1279   A9   2E                  LDA     #$2E        ;Enable PM DMA and a normal playfield.
127B   8D   2F   02             STA     SDMCTL
127E   A9   18                  LDA     #MPMBAS^    ;Set up the pointer to the Player
1280   8D   07   D4             STA     PMBASE      ;missile defuns.
1283   A9   03                  LDA     #3          ;Tell the CTIA to expect PM DMA
1285   8D   1D   D0             STA     GRACTL

1288   A9   10                  LDA     #$10        ;Enable fifth player so the
128A   0D   6F   02             ORA     GPRIOR      ;missiles will be COLOR3
128D   8D   6F   02             STA     GPRIOR
1290   8D   1B   D0             STA     PRIOR

1293   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;Zero the missile
1295   85   B4                  STA     MY

1297   A9   01                  LDA     #1          ;Stop the player from fireing.
1299   85   B7                  STA     STOP

129B   A9   40                  LDA     #$40        ;Disable DLI's
129D   8D   0E   D4             STA     NMIEN
12A0   A9   10                  LDA     #MDLIST^    ;Set up the vector to our
12A2   8D   31   02             STA     SDLSTH      ;display list.
12A5   A9   19                  LDA     #MDLIST&$FF
12A7   8D   30   02             STA     SDLSTL
12AA   A9   10                  LDA     #DLIH^      ;Setup the vector to our
12AC   8D   01   02             STA     VDBLST+1    ;DLI handler
12AF   A9   EA                  LDA     #DLIH&$FF
12B1   8D   00   02             STA     VDBLST
12B4   A2   11                  LDX     #VBLH^      ;Load the address of our
12B6   A0   35                  LDY     #VBLH&$FF   ;verticle blank interrupt
12B8   A9   06                  LDA     #SETIMM     ;handler into X & Y and call
12BA   20   5C   E4             JSR     SETVBV      ;SETVBV to set up the VBLI vector.

12BD   A9   C0                  LDA     #$C0        ;Enable DLI'S
12BF   8D   0E   D4             STA     NMIEN

12C2   A9   C6                  LDA     #CLGREN+6   ;Color 0 (score) is green
12C4   8D   C4   02             STA     COLOR0

12C7   A9   36                  LDA     #CLRED+6    ;Color 1 (high score) is red.
12C9   8D   C5   02             STA     COLOR1

12CC   A9   18                  LDA     #CLGOLD+8   ;Color 2 (time) is gold.
12CE   8D   C6   02             STA     COLOR2

12D1   A9   0A                  LDA     #CLGREY+10  ;Color 3 (missiles) is white.
12D3   8D   C7   02             STA     COLOR3

                        ; Write out the copyright message.

12D6   A2   14                  LDX     #20         ;For the twenty charaters in the message,
12D8   BD   37   10     COPYR1: LDA     TMSG-1,X    ;load a character,
12DB   20   0E   14             JSR     ASTOIN      ;Call ASTOIN to get it to internal
12DE   09   C0                  ORA     #$C0        ;form, change it to color 3, and
12E0   9D   FF   17             STA     SCORLN-1,X  ;Store it on the play field.
12E3   CA                       DEX
12E4   D0   F2                  BNE     COPYR1
12E6   A5   13                  LDA     RTCLOC+1    ;get the real time (4 second ticks)
12E8   18                       CLC
12E9   69   03                  ADC     #3          ;8 to 12 seconds of glory

12EB   C5   13          COPYW:  CMP     RTCLOC+1    ;Wait a while 'till user's read it.
12ED   D0   FC                  BNE     COPYW

                        ; Erase & initialize score line

12EF   A2   14                  LDX     #20         ;Fill score line with spaces.
12F1   A9   00                  LDA     #0
12F3   9D   FF   17     ERASES: STA     SCORLN-1,X
12F6   CA                       DEX
12F7   D0   FA                  BNE     ERASES

12F9   A9   10                  LDA     #$10        ;Make score '     0'
12FB   8D   05   18             STA     SCORE+5

12FE   A9   50                  LDA     #$50        ;Make high score '     0'
1300   8D   0C   18             STA     HISCOR+5

1303   A9   90                  LDA     #$90        ;Make time '     0'
1305   8D   13   18             STA     TIME+5

1308   A9   01          REPEAT: LDA     #1          ;Stop the player (Just to make
130A   85   B7                  STA     STOP        ;sure!)
130C   A9   08                  LDA     #$08        ;Set up to read the consol
130E   8D   1F   D0             STA     CONSOL      ;switches

1311   AD   1F   D0     WAIT:   LDA     CONSOL
1314   C9   01                  CMP     #SWSTRT     ;The other two switches -- Select
1316   D0   06                  BNE     WAIT1       ;and option, are not pressed down.

1318   20   2A   14             JSR     MAKETP      ;If they are pressed down, make a
                                                    ;copy or this whole program
131B   4C   4E   12             JMP     BEGIN       ;And reset since the sound registers
                                                    ;will be messed up. . . .

131E   C9   06          WAIT1:  CMP     #6          ;Is the start switch pressed?
1320   D0   EF                  BNE     WAIT        ;Nope. . . .

1322   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;Yes. Start game (1)
1324   A2   06                  LDX     #6          ;Erase time and score but not
1326   9D   0D   18     RESTR2: STA     TIME-1,X    ;high score.
1329   9D   FF   17             STA     SCORE-1,X
132C   CA                       DEX
132D   D0   F7                  BNE     RESTR2

132F   A9   91                  LDA     #$91        ;Set the time left to '   120'
1331   8D   11   18             STA     TIME+3
1334   A9   92                  LDA     #$92
1336   8D   12   18             STA     TIME+4
1339   A9   90                  LDA     #$90
133B   8D   13   18             STA     TIME+5

133E   A9   10                  LDA     #$10        ;Set the score to '     0'
1340   8D   05   18             STA     SCORE+5

1343   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;let the player shoot.
1345   85   B7                  STA     STOP
1347   85   B1                  STA     DSCOR       ;Clear out the vblank
1349   85   B6                  STA     JIFF        ;counters.
134B   85   B5                  STA     DSEC

                        ;       Set up the PM graphics.

134D   A2   18          REDRAW: LDX     #$18        ;Start at lino 18,
134F   A0   00                  LDY     #0
1351   20   C5   13     CLOOP1: JSR     DPLANE      ;Draw 8 planes.
1354   C8                       INY
1355   C0   08                  CPY     #8
1357   D0   F8                  BNE     CLOOP1

                        ; Set up 30 second count down timer (used to time rounds)
1359   A2   07                  LDX     #7          ;30 secs = 1800 jiffies.
135B   A0   D0                  LDY     #208
135D   A9   03                  LDA     #3          ;CDT # 3.
135F   8D   2A   02             STA     CDTMF3
1362   20   5C   E4             JSR     SETVBV

1365   A9   C0                  LDA     #$C0        ;Re-enable DLI's
1367   8D   0E   D4             STA     NMIEN

136A   AD   2A   02     MAIN:   LDA     CDTMF3      ;Main loop -- if 30 seconds are
136D   D0   03                  BNE     MAIN2       ;up, draw another wave of planes.
136F   4C   4D   13             JMP     REDRAW
1372   A0   08          MAIN2:  LDY     #8          ;Check if all the planes have
1374   A9   00                  LDA     #0          ;been shot down (i.e. their
1376   19   6C   10     MAIN3:  ORA     TDX-1,Y     ;velocities are all zero)
1379   88                       DEY
137A   D0   FA                  BNE     MAIN3
137C   C9   00                  CMP     #0
137E   D0   0A                  BNE     MAIN4
1380   A9   32                  LDA     #50         ;If so, player gets 60 points
1382   18                       CLC
1383   65   B1                  ADC     DSCOR
1385   85   B1                  STA     DSCOR
1387   4C   4D   13             JMP     REDRAW          ;and a new round.

138A   A5   B7          MAIN4:  LDA     STOP            ;Check if player is stopped.
138C   F0   DC                  BEQ     MAIN            ;Nope.
                        ; Player died, so update high score
                        ; and restart.

138E   A5   13                  LDA     RTCLOC+1        ;Wait 4 to 8 seconds
1390   18                       CLC
1391   69   02                  ADC     #2
1393   C5   13          HIW:    CMP     RTCLOC+1        ;for points to drain.
1395   D0   FC                  BNE     HIW

1397   A2   00                  LDX     #0              ;Check his high score against
1399   BD   07   18     HICHK:  LDA     HISCOR,X        ;his current score.
139C   29   1F                  AND     #$1F            ;If his high score is anywhere
139E   DD   00   18             CMP     SCORE,X         ;less than his current score
13A1   F0   05                  BEQ     HICHK1          ;Equal
13A3   B0   08                  BCS     NOHI            ;HI > score. Stop.
13A5   4C   B0   13             JMP     NEWHI           ;HI < score.
13A8   E8               HICHK1: INX                     ;NOTE: We check from left to right,
13A9   E0   06                  CPX     #6              ;unlike the routines in VBIH.
13AB   D0   EC                  BNE     HICHK
13AD   4C   08   13     NOHI:   JMP     REPEAT          ;So go and restart the game.

                        ; Copy new high score
13B0   A2   06          NEWHI:  LDX     #6              ;Copy all six digets of the
13B2   BD   FF   17     NEWHI1: LDA     SCORE-1,X       ;score into the high score,
13B5   29   1F                  AND     #$1F            ;changing the color at the
13B7   09   40                  ORA     #$40            ;same time.
13B9   9D   06   18             STA     HISCOR-1,X
13BC   CA                       DEX
13BD   D0   F3                  BNE     NEWHI1
13BF   4C   08   13             JMP     REPEAT          ;Then restart the game.

                        ; DPLANE -- pick and draw a plane
13C2   00               XTEMP:  .BYTE   0               ;Temporary variables
13C3   00               YTEMP:  .BYTE   0               ;Used to save state of
13C4   00               TEMPA:  .BYTE   0               ;the processer.

13C5   8E   C2   13     DPLANE: STX     XTEMP           ;Save X
13C8   8C   C3   13             STY     YTEMP           ;Save Y
13CB   AD   0A   D2     DPLAN1: LDA     RANDOM          ;Get a random number
13CE   29   07                  AND     #7              ;reduce it to 0-7
13D0   C9   06                  CMP     #6              ;Is it > 6 ?
13D2   B0   F7                  BCS     DPLAN1          ;Yes.  Pick another one.
13D4   0A                       ASL     A               ;No.  Multiply by 4
13D5   0A                       ASL     A
13D6   AA                       TAX
13D7   BD   D2   10             LDA     TPLANE,X        ;And use it to index into
13DA   99   6D   10             STA     TDX,Y           ;The tplane table for
13DD   BD   D3   10             LDA     TPLANE+1,X      ;the velocity, the value.
13E0   99   78   10             STA     TVAL,Y          ;the width, and the
13E3   BD   D4   10             LDA     TPLANE+2,X      ;index into the plane
13E6   99   83   10             STA     TWID,Y          ;picture table.
13E9   A9   00                  LDA     #0
13EB   99   62   10             STA     TPX,Y           ;Set the X position to 0.
13EE   BD   D5   10             LDA     TPLANE+3,X      ;Get the index into the
13F1   AA                       TAX                     ;picture table.
13F2   AC   C2   13             LDY     XTEMP
13F5   A9   08                  LDA     #8
13F7   8D   C4   13             STA     TEMPA
13FA   BD   AA   10     DPLAN3: LDA     PTOL,X          ;Copy eight bytes from
13FD   99   00   1A             STA     MPMBAS+PMDP0,Y  ;the picture table to
1400   E8                       INX                     ;the player's defun space.
1401   C8                       INY
1402   CE   C4   13             DEC     TEMPA
1405   D0   F3                  BNE     DPLAN3
1407   98                       TYA                     ;Restore the processor
1408   AA                       TAX                     ;state, and return
1409   AC   C3   13             LDY     YTEMP           ;(X has had 0 added to it
140C   60                       RTS                     ;so that the next plane
                                                        ;drawn will be one position
                                                        ;lower in the player's defun).
                        ; Ascii character in A --> Screen internal character in A
                        ; state saved and restored.
                        ; (slightly modified from the internal
                        ; Atari OS routine & uses ROM tables)

140D   00               ASTEMP: .BYTE   0               ;Used to save the state of Y

140E   8C   0D   14     ASTOIN: STY     ASTEMP          ;Save Y.
1411   A8                       TAY                     ;Copy A into Y
1412   8A                       TXA
1413   48                       PHA                     ;Save X.
1414   98                       TYA
1415   2A                       ROL     A               ;Get bits 6 & 5 or character
1416   2A                       ROL     A
1417   2A                       ROL     A
1418   2A                       ROL     A
1419   29   03                  AND     #3
141B   AA                       TAX
141C   98                       TYA
141D   29   9F                  AND     #$9F            ;Zero bits 6 & 5 of character
141F   1D   F6   FE             ORA     $FEF6,X         ;and fill then with the bits
                                                        ;from the ROM table, giving
                                                        ;the internal (screen) code.

1422   A8                       TAY                     ;Restore X & Y registers.
1423   68                       PLA
1424   AA                       TAX
1425   98                       TYA
1426   AC   0D   14             LDY     ASTEMP
1429   60                       RTS

                        ;       Boot tape writer.  Writes out a Boot tape and returns.
142A   A2   20          MAKETP: LDX     #ICTWO          ;Choose IOCB two
142C   A9   0C                  LDA     #CLOSE          ;Close it.
142E   9D   42   03             STA     ICCOM,X
1431   20   56   E4             JSR     CIOV
1434   A9   14                  LDA     #CAS^           ;Open the C: device.
1436   9D   45   03             STA     ICBAH,X
1439   A9   75                  LDA     #CAS&$FF
143B   9D   44   03             STA     ICBAL,X
143E   A9   03                  LDA     #OPEN
1440   9D   42   03             STA     ICCOM,X
1443   A9   08                  LDA     #OPNOT          ;for output
1445   9D   4A   03             STA     ICAX1,X
1448   A9   80                  LDA     #$80            ;short IRQ
144A   9D   4B   03             STA     ICAX2,X
144D   20   56   E4             JSR     CIOV
1450   A9   00                  LDA     #PST&$FF        ;Write out the program in
1452   9D   44   03             STA     ICBAL,X         ;one fell swoop (using a
1455   A9   10                  LDA     #PST^           ;block putchar)
1457   9D   45   03             STA     ICBAH,X
145A   A9   78                  LDA     #<PND-PST>&$FF
145C   9D   48   03             STA     ICBLL,X
145F   A9   04                  LDA     #<PND-PST>^
1461   9D   49   03             STA     ICBLH,X
1464   A9   0B                  LDA     #PUTCHR
1466   9D   42   03             STA     ICCOM,X
1469   20   56   E4             JSR     CIOV
146C   A9   0C                  LDA     #CLOSE          ;Close cassette buffer
146E   9D   42   03             STA     ICCOM,X
1471   20   56   E4             JSR     CIOV
1474   60                       RTS
1475   43   3A          CAS:    .ASCII  "C:"            ;Name of cassette device.
1477   9B                       .BYTE   EOL

     1478               PND = .                         ;Used by MAKETP to figure
                                                        ;out what to save. Must
                                                        ;point to just after last
                                                        ;byte of program.
     0000                       .END

Corrections and Clarifications

COMPUTE! #16, pg. 86 — To permit “SHOOT” to run on the new (Revision B) ROMs, change line 201 to: BUF$(589,589)=CHR$(95):BUF$(590,590)=CHR$(228). To permit it to run on black and white TVs, change line 202 to: BUF$(97,97)=CHR$(0):BUF$(98,98)=CHR$(0). The source code correction is: 124B 4C 5F E4 JMP SYSVBV.


Typing Shoot

Since SHOOT was published in COMPUTE! #16, we’ve received numerous letters from readers who were having problems with it. Rest assured, if you type in the Boot Tape Maker correctly, it will make a perfect bootable copy of SHOOT.

It is not easy to type in a long computer program listing, especially one like SHOOT, with its huge table of DATA slatements. Here are some tips on how to make it easier, and what to watch out for:

  1. Some beginners do not fully realize that a program must be typed in exactly as listed. Seemingly trivial punctuation marks like the semicolon are absolutely necessary for proper execution.
  2. Look out for numbers, too. For example, in line 200 of the Boot Tape Maker, were the number 125120 mistyped, the whole effort will be flagged as an error.
  3. Remember, SHOOT must run on a 16K or greater Atari.
  4. Make sure the characters in quotes on line 300 are hhh, reverse-video asterisk, LV, reverse-video d.
  5. Before running the Boot Tape Maker, you might want to enter “LPRINT” to insure that the cassette pointers are correct.
  6. We reprint the program here in larger type.
Program listing omitted. It’s identical to the program 1, including the REV. B VBLANK bug.